
Stéphane Gabart My French HeavenMy name is Stéphane. I am the Son, Grandson and Great Grandson of Bordeaux Wine Merchants. My Dad wanted me to become a Lawyer; I wanted to be a Chef. I kind of won on that one… After one lousy year of law school I was off to Lyon (Eastern France, near the Alps) to study cooking and Hotel Management with Paul Bocuse (for the younger readers, Paul was the Alain Ducasse of the 70s).

I soon discovered that if cooking was a passion, I was not born with a high level of tolerance for the physical and mental abuse it took to become the great Chef I aspired to be.

I was hired at The Ritz-Carlton, Atlanta right after graduation with a Master’s Degree in Hotel Administration in my pocket. After a few months there as a server, I was offered a position in Human Resources where I spent the next 10 years. At that point I had worked at 7 Ritz-Carlton properties and had become Area Director of Training and Organizational Effectiveness for Northern California.

Missing family and friends and wanting to start my own company, I moved back to France in 2005. I started a very successful Bed & Breakfast in the family home near Saint-Emilion and ran it for the next six years.

Then, in January 2011, disaster struck. I had to undergo open heart surgery.

I came out of the ordeal with a new take on life, convinced of the following:

  1. We REALLY can die at any time. I know what a huge cliché this is, but I have seen the tunnel and the light and everything (I haven’t really seen the light but I’m sure it was there somewhere…)
  2. Family is everything. EVERYTHING!
  3. Not one minute of our life should ever be wasted on things or people we don’t truly appreciate and are energy suckers. These people and situations are to be avoided at all costs!
  4. We must feed our minds and spirit with the things that we love the most. Mine are food (mostly eating it) and photography. I am a very visual person…
  5. Karma’s a bitch! Do the right thing!!
  6. Whoever we are, we were born to shine a unique light, big or small, upon the world
  7. Making people feel important and strong through genuine care and personal attention helps you get closer to them and them closer to you. That is how you create a meaningful life and legacy.

So here is my little blog. I will use it to share all the things I love the most. I will try to make it more than just food and pretty pictures. I have a lot to share about what I think it means to feed/nourish oneself and others.

I believe that with the proper food for our body and soul, we truly become invincible!

637 Comments Add yours

  1. Leilani says:

    Hello Stéphane! I am contacting you here because your official Contact page is not working. I am currently in the brainstorming process of what I am calling my life’s work; a travel cookbook that shares a kindred vision to your philosophies. Your cheery, genuine disposition and your ability to capture life’s best moments (the moments I believe all humans crave) has always been so inspiring to me. I would be thrilled to work with you in some capacity on this project but just wanted to touch base to see if you would be up for a visit from a Francophile who is trying her best to learn French as well as a day in the kitchen? 🙂 If so, my email is leilanica60@yahoo.com.

  2. PINA says:

    Love it! Will be following and sharing with food y friends.


    1. My French Heaven says:


  3. What a beautiful blog !! 🙂 I will follow with excitement! Many greetings , Michael

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Glad you like it Michael. Welcome to my French heaven!!

  4. Rashminotes says:

    You have a lovely blog! Look forward to reading many of your posts:)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you and welcome!

  5. janzirose says:

    just happened on to your delightful elegant blog and I look forward to coming back to read again and again.. as you said, family is everything and work not the big be all and end all… glad you found that out in time to savour the memories you are making with your family and the blog of course.. best wishes from the other side of the channel..my father came from aix en provence, so I know a bit about the south, and now my brother lives near Toulon, so I get to visit sometimes too. best wishes, again Jeannine

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Jeannine and welcome!

    2. James Buttram says:

      Stef: I was looking for a onion soup recipe when I saw your blog.One of the best two weeks we have spent anywhere was in ST Emilion with you as our friend and guide to the surrounding area.We are going to get back over there and see you.We love you Marilyn & James Buttram

  6. PK Read says:

    So glad to see your blog is still going strong, and is more beautiful than ever. Wishing you a very happy 2016!

  7. A truly beautiful and elegant blog. Congratulations on an inspiring and artistic creation!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Why thank you!

  8. Joy-Marie Snell says:

    recently rediscovered your FABULOUS blog, and wanted to thank-you for the time you take writing it, and the photos. your autobiography is inspiring.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Welcome back Joy-Marie!!

  9. Wow very rich and interesting life! I love your blog!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Why, thank you very much! I’m glad you stopped by!! Have a lovely evening!

      1. you as well! Love the pictures wow!

  10. abakprithibi says:

    If there is heaven it is here. Really your blog is wonderful. We lived six wonderful years in Southern France, Toulouse, We had a great time in France, your country is in our heart. Now I came to know your beautiful blog, and started following you. Merci beaucoup, and keep posting.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Wow! Six years is a long time. I don’t know Toulouse that well but hear it’s a very nice city full of young people. I hope you had cassoulet in Castelnaudary at least once when you were there!! I am so glad that you found my little blog! Alors bienvenue à toi!!!

      1. abakprithibi says:

        Yes. It Was Long time. Toulouse is beautiful city – la vie de rose. We enjoyed every moment of our stay in Toulouse. Yes, definitely, we had cassoulet in Carcassonne, near Castelnaudary during winter. It was really a lifetime experience. Merci.

  11. Your blog is beautiful, Stephane! I look forward to exploring more of your recipes and photography. And, thank you for liking one of my posts!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you Susan. I really enjoyed reading some of your posts as well. I am looking forward to reading more!

  12. Emilio Pasquale says:

    Thank you, Stephane, for finding and liking one of my posts. Otherwise I never would have found you. I see I have quite a bit of reading to do. This “about” page made me smile and think- about life and my marriage, my friends, family, etc. I hope we can share some stories one day when we come to visit your bed and breakfast. My wife and I are planning for our future travels even now.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      That’s what I love so much about blogging: we get to meet people who have similar interests and passions that we wouldn’t have otherwise. It looks like you are using Lightroom. I am a fan! Just found out about Silver Efex Pro and it works perfectly as a plugin. You should check it out if you haven’t yet. I am planning a Food & Lifestyle Photography Workshop for 2016. You maybe too advanced to participate, but at least you’ll be able to give me your opinion about the program when I post about it on the blog… Anyway, so nice meeting you Emilio!

      1. Emilio Pasquale says:

        Thank you. Same here. I do use Lightroom and have heard a lot (only good) about Silver Efex Pro but I also use Perfect Effects as a plug in so have not found a need for any other programs as of now. But I would love to comment on your workshop when it begins. Till then I am following your blog to get even more information about your French heaven! 🙂

        1. My French Heaven says:

          Fantastic! I’m going to check out Perfect Effects right now 😉

  13. Claire says:

    C’est bien curieux de trouver un blog émanant des alentours de Libourne, et ce en passant par un blog irlandais, alors que j’habite Bordeaux et mon chéri près de Libourne… Puissance du net, sans doute. C’est très beau, votre blog ; et ça se sent, que vous aimez l’essentiel de la vie. Bravo. CLAIRE

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Un grand merci Claire! C’est la magie du net et surtout des blogs. Les gens aux passions similaires tendent à se rapprocher… Je suis heureux que vous ayez trouvé mon petit blog au milieu de cet océan d’information… Bonne journée Claire!

  14. Emma14 says:

    Even if your blog is just food and pretty pictures, I’m in! I love it already and I’ve only read this bit. Thanks for stopping by Bells and Whistles! Look forward to reading and seeing more of your posts!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Emma and welcome!

  15. fairchris says:

    Thanks for stopping by our blog and liking our strawberry post!

    1. Susan says:

      amen to that !!!!

  16. You have a lovely blog and I fully agree on your comments in your “About” , live life to the fullest and cherish your family ! and btw, I am also french living in the Alps, looking forward to try many of your recipes … 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Formidable. Je prévois de créer une page avec tous mes posts favoris des 3 dernières années. Comme ça vous aurez l’essentiel 😉

  17. achinacat says:

    what a beautiful perspective on the world your blog shows. im so glad i found it. peace and love.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am certainly glad you found it too Catriona! I hope you come back often 😉

  18. Dipti says:

    Hi Stephane! I enjoy following your blog and have specifically mentioned it in my post (on Liebster award). I know your blog is beyond such awards but nevertheless wanted you to know that it is an inspiration 🙂 (https://oncethebugbites.wordpress.com/2015/01/10/travel-new-year-liebster/)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are so very kind! I feel very honored!

  19. Nat says:

    Salut Stéphane ! Très joli blog, et magnifiques photos ! Moi qui aime la bonne bouffe, la photo et les voyages, je suis servie comme dans un 3 étoiles ! Bravo !
    A bientôt
    Captain Tipunch (blog sur François …)

  20. solaner says:

    Hi Stéphane, I just want to notify you about I’ve nominated your for “Liebster Award” because of your great photographical work: http://solaner.wordpress.com/2014/10/08/liebster-award/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      The link is dead. What did I do???

  21. savannabel says:

    Your blog is a French feast for the eyes with outstanding photography, which is why I nominated you for A Lovely Bog Award. Thank you for such inspiration! All the best, Annabel

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you so much Annabel! How thoughtful of you. It means a lot! 😉 🙂

      1. miencuisine says:

        I didn´t find the like/comment button but I just want to say: I totally agree!

  22. Gorgeous photography, so much beauty and joy in it. I found your blog because you left some likes on our blog – thanks a lot for this.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad Claudia! I’ve put your blog in my favorites. I like it very much!! I even pinned some of your beautiful pictures 😉

  23. Oh Mercy! Had to scroll down a few years to get to Reply! Connected to your blog today 9/13/2014 and loved all the photographs and Your Story…full of inspiration…hope over heartbreak! I’m with Meg…another onion pic at the market, sure! Or reflections on life, yes!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad you like the blog. Thanks for your kind comments. I hope you do me the honor of coming back often 🙂

  24. Bill says:

    Very nice in all aspects

  25. Barbie Beaton says:

    Bonjour Stéphane. It’s probably the zillionth time for you, but I have nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”. You may accept and pass it on, or decline and ignore it. (I think.) Thank you for being an inspiration to me. http://www.optimisticmisfit.com

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh my god Barbie, I am so sorry. I haven’t been taking care of the blog in weeks and didn’t see your message (I don’t think). Thank you so much for this wonderful honor!

      1. Barbie Beaton says:

        No worries! I’m just glad I found your blog!

  26. Nina says:

    May I just say that I love your blog! I am very happy to have found you. Your images are incredibly beautiful and tell a story with such integrity. I was wondering if I could use an image or two of yours and write about it? Of course I would credit that it is yours. I have become quite inspired!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Of course you can Nina. Send me a link once it’s done so I an share it myself. I am very glad you like my little blog. Welcome! 🙂

      1. Nina says:

        Wonderful! Yes, of course 🙂

      2. Nina says:

        Hi Stéphane, I have just posted a short story with one of your pictures! It’s one of my favourites to date! Hope you enjoy 🙂


  27. Love your work and your spirit!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Cornelia!! Sorry for the late answer to such a thoughtful comment. I feel bad now… 😉

  28. skd says:

    Hi , I have nominated you for the WordPress Family Award. I would love it if you could collect it at http://aromasandflavours.com/2014/08/12/i-am-now-a-part-of-the-wordpress-family-a-mini-showcase-of-my-glass-paintings/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Sorry for the late answer! Thank you so much!!! I feel very honored. Very kind of you indeed!!

  29. Bonjour, mon nom est Laurent Domergue, je suis né à Bordeaux en 1957. Mon père avait un négoce en vins et spiritueux sur l’avenue Thiers (Domergue et Fils)… Que de coïncidences !…
    Pour la cuisine je suis un “bricoleur” mais ma fille Janis travaille dans un restaurant à Perpignan dont le Chef cuisinier a fait ses armes sous les ordres d’un Grand Chef étoilé sur Paris…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Le monde est bien petit en effet cher Laurent… Le nom Domergue me dit quelque chose. Ma soeur est de votre age: Marianne Gabart…

  30. Bonjour Stéphane,

    Vous vivez le rêve que je rêve moi-même depuis nombreuses années. Félicitations et vous avez un superbe site web.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci Annick!! Bienvenue!!

  31. milkandbun says:

    Hello Stephane! I’m so glad that stumbled across your blog! Amazing photos, stories and recipes, very inspiring!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Mila! It is always so nice to welcome new readers. Especially fellow bloggers 😉

  32. jenniferkristenphoto says:

    Thank you for the likes! Your work is beautiful and inspiring….I look forward to diving into your blog tonight:)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are most welcome dear Jennifer. I enjoyed your post very much indeed! Welcome to My French Heaven 😉

  33. Your work is stunning and so engaging. I look forward to seeing more of it. Thank you for the like!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are most welcome! I’m so glad we crossed paths 🙂

  34. mckinneyjodi says:

    Where have you been Buddy? I miss your posts! Hope all is well.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are so damn sweet!!! I’ve been really busy with my guests at the B&B and also lacking inspiration these days. Who wants to see yet another picture of an onion at the market really?! I need to rethink the way I blog and bring some new stuff. Also I have more than a 100 comments that I need to answer and I feel quite overwhelmed to tell you the truth. I will post something today. You gave me the strength I needed 😉 Thank you!

      1. mckinneyjodi says:

        Good to know that even some of the greatest inspirations like you get blocked and have trouble some days regarding their blogging to a newbie like me trying to find my way. I’ll look at any onion picture you post :), but just glad to know that you are well.

  35. tomkuoh says:

    Beautiful Photography. Now I’m very hungry! My wife is a chef. We will have to come for a cooking vacation in the future!

  36. Sandy Green says:

    I don’t comment as often as I’d like, but I do read and love all your posts!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you dear Sandy!! I am so appreciative of all the nice comments I receive. But don’t feel like you have to. I now know that you are somewhere out there reading my little posts. That’s enough for me to feel connected 😉 I’m going to your blog now 😉

  37. Dear Stéphane, I want to say all the things like; thank you for liking a post of mine, I LOVE your photos (especially of Sirus, as I am about to be taken over by a ginger cat myself soon), and I like the recipes… But I also wanted to say that I don’t normally take time to look at all those blogs out there (its a whole new world!), but you struck a chord and I enjoyed reading yours and ‘meeting’ someone who loves, food, France, and life (and the hospitality trade!) as much as I do!
    Rosie Paddon

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a thoughtful comment dear Rosie (I LOVE that name Rosie). I must admit I only follow a handful of blogs myself as I agree with you, there are just way to many out there and the quality isn’t always there. I am very touched that you thought my little blog was worth your attention! I hope you come back often. For now, I’m going back to your blog to read a little more 🙂

    2. My French Heaven says:

      Also, I thought you might like to read one of my old posts on the difference between gluttony and gourmandise: https://myfrenchheaven.com/2012/01/20/pecher-de-gourmandise/
      Good people think alike I guess…

      1. Thank you for that description (- although, I probably do eat too much as well!) And also, yes, foodies are definitely the chosen ones!…
        At the risk of sounding too enthusiastic, enjoyed your last post as well, a good reminder and applies to meeting my clients for the first time too (when we are talking about all things celebration – albeit, I am genuinely interested in what they have to say!)
        But the photos are just fabulous, they sum up all good dinner parties. Thank you for those! Rosie

        1. My French Heaven says:

          You are so kind my dear Rosie! I hope to have you as my guest someday 🙂

  38. Miia says:

    Hey Stéphane, I just nominated you for the Most Influential Blogger award http://pearlspotting.com/2014/07/07/most-influential-blogger-award/ ! Hope you like it 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Of course I like it dear Miia! You are so very kind! I am very touched 😀

      1. Miia says:

        De rien 🙂 Sorry I did not have time to contact you in advance about it, but I was in a hurry to leave for Finland. Take care!

      2. Miia says:

        PS and obviously no obligation…

  39. Read this now and love it!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad Andrew. Thanks for dropping by!

  40. Thank you for stopping by Life Through the Kitchen Window and liking one of my posts. I’m so glad I returned the visit to your blog; it’s enchanting and I will be following along (and dreaming of a visit to France).

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad you liked my little Blog Marlene! Welcome to My French Heaven. I will follow your posts as well 😉

  41. bluebunny01 says:

    Your blog is wonderful and the photos are astonishingly beautiful. I am looking forward to reading more of it and trying out the recipes. I hope you are well – there is nothing like a serious medical crisis to help put life in perspective!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Nothing indeed! Thank you for such a nice comment! It means a lot!!

  42. Thanks for the Mom’s Recipe Box like. So pleased it brought me to your blog – enjoyed your “new take on life” list. Plan to sign to follow. JB

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks JB and welcome!!!

  43. Greetings from South Africa
    Thank you for visiting and liking my scribblings..

    I am a new visitor and have only started reading your splendid blog, but am already salivating copiously in anticipation of trying out some of your recipes… More than that, it is most gratifying to see writings reflecting a deeper than average level of thought.

    Your profoundly captivating style of photography enhances your engaging writings and is an absolute delight to look at. You display a level of skill to which I aspire.

    In the words of a certain US celebrity, “I’ll be back.”

    Best wishes

    1. My French Heaven says:

      My dear Alan, this is one of the nicest comments anybody has ever written here! Thank you so much! I must say that I enjoy your blog very much as well. Your Old Masters series is very inspiring indeed. Here is to us finding each other in this huge ocean of blogs…

  44. So true. So wonderful you have come to these ideas now when you can reap the rewards of them. So many people never do what they love or save up all their dreams until it is too late. Congratulations on taking the plung and making your dreams become reality.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! Your kind comment means a lot!!

  45. evaenlien says:

    I don’t know if you accept awards, but I’ve nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger award, because you are! Here’s the link: http://livingonanawesomeshoestring.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/inspiring-bloggers-so-happy/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are so very kind! I do not do the award thing anymore. Too time consuming. But I am so very honored by your thoughtful gesture!!!

  46. Hi Stephane,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts! I’m loving your blog and your amazing photos – your recipes look incredible! It’s definitely inspired me to visit Bordeaux and your B&B!


    1. My French Heaven says:

      Hi Tiffany! Welcome to my little blog! I am so glad you are here getting the virtual tour and I hope you come visit soon to experience the real thing 😉 There is nothing I like more than meeting people who enjoy life as much as I do. It seems you are one of those people 😉 Thanks for being here now. It means a lot to me 🙂

  47. Beautiful blog. Photos are just breathtaking! And your ‘About’ page gave me goosebumps. Truly inspiring!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Milica! What a nice thing to say. You just made my day! I hope you come back often 🙂

  48. Frugal Fish says:

    Hey we started blogging at the same time! Thanks for liking my post, “Beat the Heat.”

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Indeed! 🙂

  49. Dipti says:

    Thanks for following my blog- it’s an honour 🙂 j’adore vos photos et le simplicité de votre d’écriture!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Right back at you my friend! Thanks for dropping by 😉

  50. Jenny says:

    Thank you for visiting my new blog. Your photographs are inspiring!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Jenny! I remember how exciting it was getting everything started and playing around with the settings… You’ll have such a good time I’m sure…

  51. Malar says:

    What an excellent list!!! I loved every point you have given. I have no words to describe how I feel after reading your points, you are reminding me of my grand father who would as well give the same list , who as well underwent an open heart surgery in 2002. I am very happy that you stopped by my blog, so that I could discover yours. Thank you and I am looking forward on your posts!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you so much! What a nice comment. I am glad you are here 🙂

  52. Permacooking says:

    What a wonderful site you have, your “little blog” as you say is indeed very inspiring. I am thrilled, and I absolutely love your pictures! Thank you for sharing, Stéphane. Also, thank you very much for visiting my blog and for the follow. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You make my day my dear! I feel so honored that you dropped by. I hope you do it often 🙂

  53. wigdanguneid says:

    I love your blog!So much great photos,stories, and delicious food, thats exactly my kind of blog!!
    Thank you

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad to hear this! Welcome, welcome WELCOME!! 🙂 You made my day 😉

  54. Katherine says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoy yours very much. We lived in Atlanta at the same time! I am glad you are in a place that you love now, that is so important, and that you have turned a life-changing experience like open heart surgery into a life-loving experience. You are an inspiration!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much dear Katherine! I hope we get to meet one day. All the best!

  55. Hello! Thank you so much for liking my blog post! I’m just a beginner, and it’s very inspiring to find a blog as beautiful and well written as yours. I’ve signed up and am really looking forward to reading more! Also we just moved back to Paris after 12 years of living just south of Bordeaux, so although I love being here, it’s making me feel a little homesick (in a good way!) looking at all your beautiful pictures. Plus of course I love to eat and cook and your recipes look wonderful…. I’m really glad I found you!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Siobhan!! I’m glad we found each other! Too bad you had to move North… Paris is lovely too 😉

  56. Bonjour Stéphane, Après nos petites échanges hier soir, je viens de passer un très bon moment en parcourant votre blog! I adore your personal philosophy and your château looks very beautiful. I shall enjoy following you, I may even be inspired to learn how to cook…! Kind regards Jane (View from a French Hillside)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Jane! Now that you live here, you HAVE to cook! I bet you’ll enjoy the experience very much. Cooking is part of being French after all 😉

  57. What a wonderful, lovely and exciting blog and life philosophy! So pleased to have found you and look forward to reading all your updates x

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I am glad you’re here. Welcome!

  58. What a lovely blog you have. The photos, the writing it’s all really inspiring!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you! and welcome!!

  59. anniedm778 says:

    I know from reading your blog that you are one very special person with a big heart. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are way too kind Sabine, but your words give me great encouragement!

  60. Sange & Erika says:

    Greetings Stephane, we are happy that you liked our post about pea soup with a twist of Northeast India 🙂 Funny, one of us was also meant to become a lawyer and wound up an innkeeper. So we’ve got a few things in common and look forward to following you! Namaste

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad Sange and Erika! Welcome to my French heaven!!!

  61. I can’t express enough how much I love your philosophy and your website. I have always wanted to visit the Bordeaux region but never had the chance yet. I’ve bookmarked this site in the hope that it’s the first step towards a trip to your corner of the world! All the best to you.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a nice comment. Making people want to visit France is my purpose and my joy! Thanks for making this all worth it!!

  62. hunt.gather.girl says:

    Hi, thank you so much for liking my post on Batch Cooking. As a brand new blogger it was such a great feeling! Your blog is such an inspiration and I also hope to build something that can inspire people. I especially adore your photography and it has inspired me to improve my own photography and include it in the blog. Would love to visit your Bed & Breakfast one day!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad you like the blog Mary! You’ll see, blogging will give you a lot of joy. It is such a great way to connect with people who share the same passions and views on life. So welcome to the blogging sphere and have fun! You are definitely off to a good start 😉

  63. natasha says:

    Wow..reading your about…I remember what my grandfather use to write in his books…thanks you are very inspiring…

  64. mckinneyjodi says:

    Just discovered your blog and am HOOKED – the food, the photography – your passion! BRAVO! New fan here! (and thanks for the like on my new little blog!) 🙂 Cheers and Hugs from Mars, PA to France!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! I love your take on comfort food (my favorite). So I guess we’ll be following each other from now on 😉 Great to meet you!

      1. pawsinsd says:

        I needed inspiration today and you are it. Thanks for liking Jake’s Treats, I’m certain he’ll love that a French chef likes his story and biscuits too and will tell him tomorrow when Aunt M and I go to the new flower shop. Dee

        1. My French Heaven says:

          That’s great Dee! Keep on loving your food and inspiring the rest of us to do the same 😉

  65. Wonderful blog! Your words, exquisite photos, and food make visiting a delight.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! You are very kind. I hope you come back often 🙂

  66. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I decided to check out yours and wow, do you have some amazing photos! Some are absolutely breathtaking – as if I’m actually experiencing, FEELING, that moment. And, of course, they all make me want to hurry back and visit France again. 🙂

    I completely agree with your new take on life – so many people miss the opportunity to learn what you have learned. I wish you the best.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Jennifer!! I will follow your blog and I hope you come back to my French heaven soon, on the net or in person 😉

  67. Your photos are magnificent!!!! 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I am so glad you dropped by my little French heaven… I hope you come back soon. I just made a clafoutis you’ll love 😉

  68. firecook says:

    Thank you for liking my post on Frustrated . I was true I was on this plate. Have a nice day

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are most welcome! 🙂

      1. firecook says:


  69. I am so happy to have found your blog. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new take on life. I needed those reminders. Thanks. I look forward to following along…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad you found my little blog! Thank you for visiting. It means a lot!!

  70. Je seconde le commentaire de griffinthewriter! Et je rajouterais que vos recettes sont delicieuses et quej’adore votre autobio. hahaha. Elle est tres honnete et remplie de petites phrases inspirationnelles ! 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci Hana! This means a lot!! I like to share my passion for my food and my old country 😉 I hope you’ll come back again 🙂

  71. leggypeggy says:

    Thanks so much for visiting and liking my blog. I’ll enjoy visiting yours too.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are most welcome Peggy! I did enjoy my visit into your world very much 🙂

  72. griffinthewriter says:

    Franchement ravie de votre petite etoile sur mon blog-truc! Un honneur. Your blog is delicious, body and soul. A’ Bordeaux, un jour?

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I sure hopes! Merci!!!

  73. Eren Somcag says:

    Lovely pictures, fun “about me” page 🙂 If you ever plan to be in Istanbul and need someone to travel and photograph with, let me know…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I visited Turkey several times as a kid as my parents and I were sailing around the Greek islands. You have a beautiful country!!!

  74. nancymn says:

    Thanks for the Like on my blog. What a wild ride you’ve had in your life!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Wild indeed! Thanks so much for visiting Nancy!!

  75. Your photography is amazing! I’m just starting out with my blog (thanks for visiting mine) and learning food photography. Do you offer photography workshops in France or when/if you visit No. California? Looking forward to more great pics and recipes.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot Tanya! I do offer food and lifestyle photography workshops indeed. Follow this link: http://yourfrenchheaven.com

  76. janetlea62 says:

    Thank you stopping by my blog. I have been sniffing around yours and it is a delight!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad we found each other! Welcome to My French Heaven 😉

  77. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for dropping by my blog.

  78. firecook says:

    Hello Nice to meet you .Thank you for looking at a post of mine .Your words that you have written is so true. . Your blog is wonderful.. I love French food and working on it. I was wondering was Paul Bocuse a friend of Escoffier.? .or that was after his time? .Thank you for reading .Have a nice day.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad you like the blog Judith! Thanks for dropping by. No, Escoffier died in 1935. Paul Bocuse is still very much alive. Paul was the superstar chef of the 60s and 70s, like Ducasse today. A great man… Thanks again for your comment! It means a lot 🙂

  79. Barbara says:

    I am so glad that you saw my little blog and liked it! I’ve only read 2 or your entries so far, but I’m hooked. Great photos – one of my very favorite things. Yummy sounding food – another very favorite thing. And France – another favorite thing. I’ll be back reading soon. Stay healthy!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad you’re here Barbara! I hope you enjoy the rest of the blog. I certainly enjoy YOUR posts 🙂

  80. Angeline M says:

    Thanks for following my blog, Stephane. I am so happy we’ve met here on WordPress. You bring France, and wonderful photos, and delicious looking food to my inbox to brighten my days.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad! I really like your blog!

    2. akeem54 says:

      I like your committment and intention to create value. Thank you for your visit.

      1. My French Heaven says:

        You are most welcome and thank you for visiting as well 😉

  81. Stéphane Cassin Photographie says:

    Bonjour Stéphane, j’ai lu avec attention ton résumé, c’est une histoire extraordinaire enfin tragique dans le sens ou dans ta “première vie” tu as du abandonner ton métier à cause de ce problème de santé et extraordinaire ce que tu as vécu comme expérience avec cette NDE ou EMI!
    Je suis complètement d’accord avec ce que tu dis:
    “Whoever we are, we were born to shine a unique light, big or small, upon the world”
    Egalement avec ceci:
    “We must feed our minds and spirit with the things that we love the most. Mine are food (mostly eating it) and photography.”
    Et cela j’y crois:
    “We REALLY can die at any time. I know what a huge cliché this is, but I have seen the tunnel and the light and everything (I haven’t really seen the light but I’m sure it was there somewhere…)
    Family is everything. EVERYTHING!”
    Je te suis et je reviendrais attentivement sur de belles photos que j’ai aperçu!
    Bon week-end, entre Stéphane 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Quel gentil commentaire Stéphane! Tes mots me touchent beaucoup. Je vais maintenant prendre le temps de visiter to blog! Merci encore et bienvenue sur My French Heaven, même si tu le partage déjà 😉

  82. elsonsequeira says:

    Hey Stephane, Hows you doing mate! just wanted to know your thoughts on this..http://thetummytale.wordpress.com/2014/05/31/rum-glazed-sticky-chicken-and-the-kitchen-ninjas-challenge/

    I look forward to hearing from you

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a great post! I am so very honored by your kind words my friend! I haven’t had a chance yet, but I shall go and visit the other sites you mentioned. With your passion, I am sure they are quite good!

      1. elsonsequeira says:

        THank you Stephane!! Do go through, Im sure you’ll make a whole lot of new foodie friends.. 🙂

  83. Alina says:

    I’ve been appreciating the savor of your blog ever since you met Mimi from Manger! Your savoire vivre is legendary, thank you so much for sharing! I can only aspire to learn the gifts of French sophistication.. What you create here is really a legacy 🙂 the amazing stuffed tomatoes recipe.. your encouraging diet and branded motto that restored my peace everytime I was thinking about dieting and strict food! What would I do now without it?
    I notice a change on your website, looks good! I love the logo! A small suggestion, maybe you could let just a paragraph from the old posts and readers could read more just by clicking on the title of the post. It would make it easier to navigate, lighter and more balanced and dynamic.
    All the best!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Alina! I will look into this. I am so glad my little blog makes you happy 😉

  84. Hi Stéphane! I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! It’s a way for bloggers to show appreciation to other bloggers. If you accept this award, just follow this link: http://perkypancake.com/2014/05/03/versatile-blogger-award/
    I hope you do! Kirsty

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you so very much Kirsty. You make me feel very very special indeed.

  85. lucysalvan says:

    Your photos are beautiful. I lived in the South West of France for 10 years, and you are making me want to move back!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad Lucy! I hope you do come back someday!!!

  86. Jessie says:

    I’m so sorry that I just found your blog, but I’m thankful to Mimi because I flew to your blog via hers. Seeing her and your pictures, I thought that your place is really a heaven. I wish I could visit your place someday.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I hope you do come visit someday Jessie! Welcome to My French Heaven!!

  87. swethadhaara says:

    Just entered this lovely and lip smacking heaven!! 😉

    1. My French Heaven says:


  88. PK Read says:

    Stéphane – Just stopping by again to tell you how much I enjoy visiting your blog – it just keeps getting better and better! (And it was so good to begin with!) One of these days we will have to make the drive from east to west across France and visit you.

    All best – Paula

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you so much dear Paula! I hope we get to meet soon in real life 😉 🙂

  89. Vinny Grette says:

    I agree! Good (healthy) foods and family are our touchstones 🙂 . Love your blog and would like to visit you one day in St-Emilion – sigh.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You know you’re always welcome Sharon!

  90. Lovely blog with tasty recipes and thoughtful commentary… glad I stumbled onto you this morning.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad you did too Jadi!! Welcome to My French Heaven! 🙂

  91. Airydreamer says:

    Truly inspiring Stephane. Life is fleeting and precious and I love how you captured the beauty of it all. I nominated your blog for the sunshine blogger’s award (I wrote a post about it). Its not much but your blog is something special to me.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You make me feel so special! Thank you so much!!!

  92. msshe says:

    Your photography is Beautiful. I love keeping in touch with France through you. As a college student I was able to spend a year studying in Aix en Provence. I hope to return one day.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Provence is such a special place. I’d love to go take pictures of the lavender fields someday…

  93. Wow, it’s been a while since someone visited this page, hasn’t it? Sorry I was late to visit then! 🙂 I just wanted to say that your story was really cool, I’ve been reading the blog posts without knowing your background. I hope you are staying healthy now, and are sticking close to family! Can I ask, do you have a Twitter?

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! My Twitter is @myfrenchheaven I never use it though…

      1. Ah, well, I’ll still follow just in case. Or at least it will let other people know that I like your writing! 🙂

        1. My French Heaven says:

          Thank you very much! At least an auto message goes to Twitter every time I post on the blog. I just don’t tweet anything directly… I am very active on instagram and Pinterest though. The links are on the blog… 🙂

          1. I will have to look there, too, then 🙂

  94. alittlebitofmagic says:

    What a wonderful, and inspiring blog. One of my friends in LA is from Bordeaux as well. His family owns a B&B a couple of hours outside of Paris. Perhaps we’ll meet some day!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I hope we get to meet too! Is your French friend a good cook?

  95. yonksnews says:

    I have just stumbled upon your wonderful and have a lot of back reading to do. You are inspiring. You list above is spot on and I will try to live my life by it.
    Can’t wait to read more. Now following from Wales.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Welcome to my French heaven Di! I am dying to visit Wales someday!

  96. I just discovered you blog! 1) Your about page is inspiring, thank you. 2) If only NY were as beautiful as France! I suppose NY has its own special charms. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Zoe! You know NYC is my absolute favorite place on earth. My dream is to retire there someday… 6 month in France… 6 months in Manhattan… Life would be PERFECT!!!

  97. n0rella says:

    Hi Stephane, just a quick note to say thank you so much for liking my first post in my new blog (mycosycorner.com), I must say that you made me very happy, as I just finished it and I even didn’t know somebody was going to look at it. I must say that you have an AMAZING blog, very inspiring, Im very happy I fund you, I love the amount of content on your site and the great images, I have tons of reading to do!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Why thank you Nena! Blogging is a very rewarding activity. Do keep at it and I hope you enjoy reading My French Heaven. Welcome to the blogosphere!!

  98. Eat Your Words says:

    Hi Stéphane — I am a foodie and a Francophile and your blog inspires me! Every post is so interesting and beautiful. What you said in a recent post about the authenticity of Americans in different parts of the country is so well put. I spent six weeks living in Arles, France and my experience was that Americans and les Francais compliment each other quite beautifully. I’d definitely take the gourmandise philosophy over the gluttony one any day — thanks for giving me a little taste of it in your blog.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks for the lovely comment. I have never been to Arles, but I hear it is lovely. Do come visit Bordeaux next time you are in France. Lots of GOURMANDS here 😉 🙂

  99. amintiridinbucatarie says:

    Hi Stéphane,

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. 🙂

    regards, Oana

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you so much! I am very honored!!

      1. amintiridinbucatarie says:

        You’re very welcome Stephane 🙂

  100. Stéphane,
    What a touching and moving essay. I am glad to hear that you have your health now – and your values in life are so well-set and correct!
    I love that you have followed your passions! Oh, and my husband was born and raised in Atlanta. We also lived there for a few years together, from 2004-2006. We still have much family and friends there.
    Best Wishes,

  101. charlotteindiam says:

    As a frenchie, I really do enjoy following your blog!

    I have therefore nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award as part of my favourite blogs 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci beaucoup Charlotte. Je m’en vais visiter ton site 😉

  102. Hi Stéphane!
    I have nominated your blog for the Most Influential Blogger Award.
    More about this nomination is at:

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! It means a lot 🙂

  103. Capt Jill says:

    I really like and agree with your 7 points/lessons learned! Thanks for sharing.
    I’m glad you came by my blog and liked my post on the caramel apple cheesecakes. 🙂

  104. Stefano directed me here, and boy am I glad I found your blog!! Gorgeous photos, and I will need to dive way deeper into your recipes…awesome!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad you like my little blog. Stefano is a great guy! You seem to be a wine lover like him. Although I care more about food than wine, I think you’ll have fun pairing some of my dishes with your favorite cháteaux… For me kt’s quite simple: Médoc or St Emilion with meat and cheese, Graves with fish and Sauternes on foie gras and chocolate 🙂

  105. LFFL says:

    Good thing you became a chef. That’s so much more exciting and fun than a lawyer! Glad you made it through your surgery and thanks for the 7 pointers. So true!

  106. Hi Stephane, Many thanks for visiting my blog and the like!! It seems we have a common passion in food and wine, and it’s great to read someone elses take on it all!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Andrea! I really like your blog too. Please come back often. As Winter is coming I will post more often 🙂

  107. Good afternoon, Stéphane…. new Vuitton theme?? ::) NOT BAD!:)) somewhere between iconic and ironic??? I love it!

    have a nice evening, Luana

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m not too sure about the new theme. It might be a little cheesy…

      1. I would not use the iconic “reminders” of your french roots…but the beauty of your photography deserves clean spaces…The theme you have used lately was ok if you think about the multitude of interesting tips your blog is offering….but it was “messing” up the panoramic view…I would definetely try to not opress the beauty of the photohraphs (as I said)…staying as clean as possible…
        Have a very nice evening, Luana

        1. My French Heaven says:

          I took it out and went back to a blend theme hoping that I will get inspired soon. I just can’t find a free theme that I really like…

  108. marc bourbon says:

    very nice and interresting blog, miam !

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci Marc! Heureux de t’avoir à bord!

      1. marc bourbon says:

        Ah je suis toujours présent quand il s’agit de bien manger et là ça donne vraiment envie, seul problème faut se remettre au fourneaux !

  109. polianthus says:

    Great insights – fun but with depth and your unique personal take, in these days of mission and vision statements and “inspirational quotes” that have become so uniform that they resemble a child’s much loved lollipop, sweet, interchangeable and devoid of all profile, it is a joy to read something with a “real” voice. Look forward to reading more of your blog, and will check out the B and B as well. Polianthus

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a lovely comment! Yes, cheap philosophy is everywhere these days. I just hope I don’t contribute too much to the madness… I guess clichés become clichés for a reason… 😉

  110. kandee2013 says:

    GREAT Blog !!! Looking forward to reading MORE from you !!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I really enjoy your blog as well!! Very informative!

      1. kandee2013 says:

        I will try NOT to disappoint !! Stay hungry 🙂

  111. rafaelpradov says:

    I hope you are OK now. Anyway a fantastic lesson of life: You studied what you wanted. You worked in what you loved, you traveled, you came back to your mother land and you have family and friends that love you. It’s more, after a serious problem of health you are still here with us with strong values of life. Enjoy of it.

    P.S. And besides all, you have fantastic photos in your very interesting blog! Who may ask something more than this? 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks for this lovely comment Rafael! I am enjoying your blog VERY much as well 😉

      1. rafaelpradov says:

        It’s my pleasure! 🙂


  112. Wonderful bio. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. This is exactly what I needed to read in this moment. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so glad you liked the bio. I hope you come back often and use this blog as a retreat of sorts!

  113. AA says:

    Quel homme {ard} plutôt 🙂 … merçi … @+

    1. My French Heaven says:

      🙂 🙂

  114. joyolandoh says:

    keep the spirit …. keep writing and sharing. so that others can learn from you

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I certainly will! Thanks for the vote of confidence and kind comment!!!

  115. annascuisine says:

    Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post (Easy Rib-Eye Steak Fajita). I love your blog. I’ll visit more often. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Anna and welcome to My French Heaven!!

  116. UnElephant n’a qu’une question:
    Si tu es bon chef, qu’est-ce que tu fais avec les cacahuètes?

  117. I agree with every one of the 7 points you make about life, and I should know because I was in a somewhat similar position. I wish you all the best and go on living your dream!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Why thank you!! All the best to you too!!

  118. Inspirational words to live by, thank you for this!

  119. americanmominbordeaux says:

    Wow, Stephane – I found your blog a few months ago and I fell in love! Your photos are amazing – you have a gift of capturing people, food and the beauty of France. I also love how you write your blog in both French & English. It’s so true that one should live with passion for life and cherish & enjoy the things that one loves. We just moved here almost 2 years ago, but I’ve fallen in love with France, it’s culture and of course, it’s food! I am so excited to be able to raise my girls here in France – but at the same time honor our American heritage. I too, blog – sharing my expat experience as a family with others – this has become my passion (www.americanmominbordeaux.blogspot.com). There is just so much to learn, to experience and to feel about life! I look forward to reading more.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a lovely comment! I am so glad you like my little blog. I miss America very much, but I must say that my quality of life here is priceless… Hope you keep coming back. I will go check your blog out!

  120. LauriLau says:

    Hi Stephane, just discovered your blog – I’m also a French – it looks so nice 🙂 I like your words in this section, truly inspiring! Take care x

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci Laurianne! De quelle région êtes vous?

      1. LauriLau says:

        Du sud de la france, a cote de marseille plus precisement, mais londonienne depuis 1an 😉

  121. Stéphane – the few times a week you give us a dose of French heaven is an inspiration and a mini vacation. I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you soooo much! I feel so honored!!

  122. weiyinloves says:

    Great blog! Thank you for dropping by and liking my post too! Have been to France and i just love and missed everything of it! (:

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are very kind! I hope you get to come back very soon!! 🙂

  123. Agree totally with your (new) views on life! Thanks, too, for visiting my blog and wishing you all the best. Bonne continuation!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Kim!!

  124. Your site is beautiful and the photography captures the true flavor of the meals you have prepared.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are so kind Veronica! Thank you so much for visiting. I hope one day you’ll visit in person 😉

  125. LFFL says:

    I love your takes on life! Fabulous. And being a chef is WAAAAAY more fun than being a lawyer!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! And yes, wayyyyy more fun 😉

  126. Michelle says:

    Your blog inspires me. And your photos are lovely!
    I have nominated you for the Shine On award!

    See it here!


    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you so much Michelle!! I feel very honored!!!

  127. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations, Stéphane!

    I have nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award!

    More about this nomination is at


    1. My French Heaven says:

      That is so nice of you!! I feel very honored!!

  128. WhiteTrinity says:

    Hi, I nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award! Congratulations and thank you for your incredible contributions to the blogging community! Even if you don’t pass it on, I hope I at least brought a smile to your face : )
    Cheers, Mrs. J

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I feel very honored!!

  129. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the “I’m a part of the WordPress Family” Award so please check it out here: http://lovinghomemade.com/2013/05/30/awards/

    1. Meant to say even though I know you are self hosted now!

      1. My French Heaven says:

        I was, but I am back to WordPress. Self hosted was a nigthmare 🙂

    2. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I am very honored!!

  130. WhiteTrinity says:

    Bonjour Stephane, Your blog is beautiful! I am Chinese, but I am definitely a Francophile. There is something so special about France – the language, its culture, its people, and of course, its food! I wish I could join your workshop, but my son, Jr. just arrived 9 months ago… Looking forward to reading more on your blog. Cheers, Mrs J

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a nice comment J. I am sure your son takes a lot of your time and energy 🙂 Visiting China is one of my dreams! Chinese food is my absolute favorite. The problem is that the only good Chinese restaurants in Europe are in London. We have a very good Asian market in Bordeaux so I try to cook my own Chinese food. I am a big fan of Dim Sum 😉 Thanks for dropping by my blog! I do enjoy yours 😉

  131. You’ve got such a beutifull blog here Stephan…..
    i can barely taste your passion throught oit your photograph….
    nice to know you then…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are very very kind Dedy! I LOVE your blog as well. You are so creative. It’s refreshing!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much. I really like yours as well!!!

  132. gabrielle157 says:

    Thanks for liking my post! I have to say, I really enjoy your blog–from the beautiful photography and the scrumptious food to your way with words. I look forward to reading more!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Gabrielle and welcome! I really enjoy your blog as well!

  133. Migratory Habits says:

    What an interesting life story! Thank you for your like on my Veggie post, and for drawing my attention to your blog. All the best, Magdalena of Migratory Habits.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m glad you like my little blog Magdalena! I sure like yours

  134. Joseph Michael says:

    Thank you for following my blog! As a beginner, I can only hope my blog is as good as yours some day!!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are too kind Joseph! I am sure your blog will be a success!!

  135. petrel41 says:

    Dear Stéphane,


    I have nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award.

    More about the nomination is at


    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much!! I am very honored and touched!!! 🙂 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks friend!!

  136. Very pleased to have found your sight. Your point of view is identical to mine. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. By the way, the still lives at the brocante were not in the least dull, but your mother was an excellent addition to the set.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I really like your blog too!!

  137. leilra says:

    Thank you for liking my posts! I really appreciate it! (:

  138. Try it Vegan says:

    I do hope that by nominating you for the Sunshine Award, so that more people can find you because we absolutely LOVE your blog! http://tryitvegan.com/2013/05/02/our-sunshine-award-nomination/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I am very honored!

  139. ffueled says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Enjoyed getting to know little about you, looking forward to returning again soon!!

  140. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am really enjoying reading your posts, and I’m looking forward to reading more. Who knows, my French might even improve?!

  141. Hi, I want to thank you for keeping the blogosphere a beautiful place: I mentioned you for the very inspiring blogger award! 🙂 http://gardentourist.wordpress.com/2013/04/21/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Why thank you so much! I feel very honored!!

      1. 😀 mentioning your blog is like inviting some friends to share a good meal all together!

        1. My French Heaven says:

          You are way to kind! You have made my day 😉 🙂

  142. Seenorway says:

    Thanks for subscribing to my blog, Stephan, and I have read your story! I think we all are due to receive a diagnosis of some sort when we get old enough! (I just recently received mine 🙂 ), but there isn’t much to be done really? One may only hope that there is more time left whenever you get the thoughts, and one day eventually there isn’t. That’s life! Nobody has ever survived! 🙂
    But what the heck – It’s up to each one of us to make the most of it? Right?
    Some things you die of, and other things you may die with your diagnosis. And the time will NEVER be right! And if I can’t do much about it but live, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do! And that’s what we all ought to be doing!
    Back to blogging: There is about 1500 large photos of Norway and Norwegian nature on my blog, and there will be new pictures posted just about every week. Enjoy!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I am so sorry to hear about your bad news. I do hope you are feeling good enough though. As you say, we will all die one day. Maybe today… All that counts is how we enjoy the moment! I absolutely love your blog! My nephew’s wife is from Norway. It is my dream to visit one day. All these colorful homes, the green landscape… The food is amazing too! Henriette (my niece from Norway) brought some salmon as well as dried lamb meat last Christmas. It was absolutely delicious! Please be well my friend. I will buy you a cup of coffee when I finally get to come visit your amazing part of the world 🙂

  143. Oh dear – I can see I’ll have to come back for a proper visit when I’ve more time to do more than just look at your scrumptious pictures. This is a sit down at the kitchen table and watch, listen and chat (and maybe keep up the wine in your glass) type of blog that I just adore. And there you are, in Saint-Emilion, my father’s favourite place on earth, I think – or certainly among his all-time favourite occasions (the mornings he spent tramping the vinyards at dawn, communicating – without French – in the mysterious language of wine growers … ) and so precious to me because for once I was there too, having an adventure with him. Look forward to delving in the months ahead. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a kind comment! I am so glad you like my little blog. Maybe you’ll visit St Emilion again. Someday soon I hope… I truly enjoy your blog as well! Very peaceful and inspiring…

  144. The story you share is an inspirational reminder to us all. We must do what we love in order to feed our minds and spirit – essential food for the soul. Thank you for sharing yourself!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks darling! YES! We must do what we love. It is a huge cliché, but it became a cliché for a reason… 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Emma! I am very touched 🙂

  145. Victoria says:

    Stéphane! So absolutely wonderful to meet You! And delighted that you enjoyed the quote, yesterday. We share passions! Looking forward to receiving notice of new posts from you. And, I may just have to head south, to visit Veranda on Highland. 😉

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Victoria! I will be following you as well!! 😉

  146. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you

    Thanks for visiting my blog Ajaytao2010@wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

  147. I guess your talent for listing comes from your cooking passion: once more, here’s a list of perfect ingredients! You make me want to apply myself to follow recipes, al least this time! 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:


  148. widowspique says:

    Thank you for liking my blog. Like many others, I have learned the hard way about how anyone can die at any time (my beloved husband, aged 40 in a car crash) and so I appreciate your openness and honesty on this. You have inspired me to spread the word.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! I’m so glad. Thanks for dropping by… 🙂

  149. Frugal Fish says:

    Thanks for liking my post, “A Food Inventory Saves Money.”

  150. Stephane, thank you for visiting my poetry-hiking-mythology blog. I’m so glad your “like” led me back here to discover your beautiful blog. I really appreciate your bilingual writing here; I enjoy trying to read French, but I have much to learn.

    Like you, I was supposed to have been a lawyer, but my heart led me to poetry instead!

  151. Sofia says:

    Hi Stephane! This page is so meaningful and necessary because sometimes we forget what is truly important in life. Your blog seems wonderful and I’m looking forward to see what else you write about. My boyfriend is French so I’ll also be looking here for clues on the French things I’m supposed to be cooking 🙂

  152. Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my post today, Stephane. What a wonderful and thoughtful blog you have. I’m so glad I found you. I shall be following… 🙂

  153. ChgoJohn says:

    Thank you for your visit today. Your blog is wonderful and I look forward to returning, again and again.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! Welcome! I really enjoy reading your posts!!

  154. Stéphane, thank you for visiting my blog and stopping by “End of summer scramble” post. It’s given me the opportunity to have a look at your delightful blog. I love the photography!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I love what you are doing! You have a great eye!!

  155. Thank you so much for visiting Find the Details and liking the post on Red’s fascinating art. Your blog is fantastic: wonderful recipes and great photography! I hope to have some more design news for you soon, till then, all the best, FtDx

  156. whysamiam says:

    Hello hello!

    Good news! I’ve nominated you to receive the Best Moment Award!!!

    Congratulations and feel free to pass the award on.

    Keep up the great blogging!


  157. Hey! I love your blog, so I’ve nominated it for the Liebster Award. Now it’s your turn! Check out my post about it here: http://netflixandnutella.com/2013/03/26/liebster-nomination/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I fell very honored!!

  158. J’aime ton blog! Merci pour le partage! Hugs. More more more! 😉 LisaK

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci Lisa! J’aime ton blog aussi 😉

  159. JStein says:

    I’m happy you like my blog streintrek. Your “about” section is the philosophy I aspire to.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I do enjoy your blog very much!!Looking forward to your next posts!!

  160. You make me want to go back to France again soon. Beautiful blog!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh thank you! I do hope you come too. The weather is getting warmer every day…

  161. Jon says:

    This is one gorgeous blog! Thanks for checking out http://donttellchef.com/, that’s how I found My French Heaven. Very glad I did! Cheers!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Jon! I really like your blog and especially your sense of humour! I am looking forward to reading more of your posts!! Cheers friend!

  162. Mona says:

    Thanks ever so for stopping by again today Stéphane and ‘liking’ my post on this, the first International Day of Happiness. Your posts and attitude contribute to mine everyday 😀 “vous êtes une source d’inspiration merveilleuse,peut toujours être votre journée remplie de joie mon ami”

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Mona, you are so sweet! Your French is very good! I love your blog and I need to take the time I need to make your orange tea cake soon! I love a good strong tea with very tasty cakes. I might actually make my mom’s madeleines soon…. You see, you’re getting me all worked up… 😉

      1. Mona says:

        Thank you! Your english issuperbe 😀 I’ll look forward to the madaleines! Can’t wait to see what you do with a spring/summer terrine!

  163. tuppershare says:

    Thank you for following Tuppershare! Your B&B looks absolutely stunning.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You’re most welcome! And thank you! Can’t wait to read your next post!!

  164. Hello Stephane. I think I like your About page better than any I’ve read. I love your attitude and I envy your training and experience. I love cooking, and my friends and family pump up my ego concerning my abilities.

    I teach cooking, but it’s for non-cooks to learn how to cook for themselves and their loved ones; nothing they could do professionally. I discovered when people asked me for advice that there was so much they would be able to figure out on their own if they knew some basics.

    I’m looking forward to reading your blog, and I hope to learn a lot from you.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I love your blog as well! Your about page is very inspiring… I do wish I had children. That will probably be my only regret in this life… The basics of cooking are the only thing people need to learn about. Everything else should come from intuition and the love one feels for the people they feed 🙂 I am so glad I found you in this never ending list of bloggers…

  165. lovemyarts says:

    I have been so touched by all that you wrote! Out of my own personal experiences I too understand that “Death can happen to anyone, anytime..” Thank you for visting my blog, I now know yours and look forward to following you! 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Me as well! I really like your blog 😉

  166. amintiridinbucatarie says:

    I learned these six lessons you quote by myself and I understand the meaning behind every word. With your permission I would like to add one more, no. 7 we are all small divinity particles, and we have one mission in life, to love 🙂
    je vous salute cordialement monsieur Chef, Oana de Roumanie 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Very good N°7 Oana!!

  167. Que de belles inspirations sur cette page. Des mots à faire réfléchir et à ne pas prendre à la légère. Merci 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Je suis heureux que ça vous plaise! J’espère que vous aurez aussi du plaisir à lire le blog 😉

  168. Nathan Dulce says:

    i absolutely agree with no.6! 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      People (me included) like to feel like they matter… 😉

  169. Thank you for finding us in the big blog world and for liking what we meow about! Mom says you have some really neat food ideas and beautiful pictures. We love food!!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Welcome then! I like cats as well 😉

  170. Welcome back to .com!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
    Keep inspiring people and posting beautiful photos!


    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks darling Denise! It’s good to be back… 🙂

  171. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and the “LIKE” of my posts.

  172. Bonjour de l’Australie Stephane,
    I loved my exerience in France and especially Lyon which is a beautiful city. J’aime la France. I’m looking forward to going back and experiencing the wonderful culture of your country. I appreciate your passion and creativity regarding fine food. Take great care and best wishes to you and your family
    God bless

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so very much!!

  173. Kerry Bee says:

    Just wanted to let you know that i’ve nominated your blog for an Inspiring Blog Award – can see you’ve received lots of nominations for blogging awards and very much deserved! Lovely blog with some beautiful photography!

    You can find out more about this award here – http://bearvsbee.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/inspiring-blog-award.html

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Kerry! I am very touched! I’m glad you like the blog!! Please come back often:)

  174. soulofspice says:

    Stephane, I love your blog and have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Check out details here. http://soulofspice.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/appreciation-5-awards/, thanks, Charu

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much!! I am very honored. I am so blessed to have readers as kind as you:)

  175. MiCheng says:

    Hi 🙂 You have a great blog, so I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! If you would like to participate. Here are the rules!


    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much!

  176. gwynnem says:

    Hi, Stephane! Not sure my last comment made it to you. I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.


    Thanks for helping me practice my French. 🙂 Merci beaucoup!

  177. gwynnem says:

    Your blog always inspires me to practice my French. Thank you!

    I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award.


    Thanks for all your insights into French culture and food. Merci beaucoup!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you sooo much! I am very honored!!

  178. Sarah says:

    Stephane! I’ve nominated you for an award! You can check it out if you’re so inclined! Have a lovely day! 🙂 (Details to be found at http://diaryofahouseelf.wordpress.com/2013/01/28/and-the-award-goes-to/)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Sarah! I am very honored!

  179. ivysew says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by at my blog; simply beautiful and healthy living and your visit takes me to your blog. Wow! I really love your blog and I know this will not be my 1st visit but will continue visiting your blog as I really enjoy your articles! Keep it up!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I enjoy your blog very much!! 🙂

  180. rebekahgg says:

    Thank you for stopping by The Salty Table! I’m looking forward to checking out your blog- and I heartily agree with your list of what is important!
    Rebekah @ The Salty Table

  181. Hi! Thanks for finding and following my blog, which in turn led me to yours which I absolutely love! I love what you wrote on this page. Family is everything! How true that is. I look forward to reading more of your work and seeing more of your pictures! They’re beautiful.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks and welcome! I love your blog as well:)

  182. Hi, Stéphane. I’ve nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Details within my post:

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I feel very honored!:)

  183. Laurie says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Now I am aware of yours and look forward to reading through it. Food and photos of food…ahhhh:)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Great! Welcome! I really enjoy your blog:)

    2. My French Heaven says:


  184. Hi Stephane, I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. There’s no obligation to accept or re-post it, this is just my way of saying ‘I enjoy reading your posts and like your recipes’.

    Here’s the award post link: http://perisspiceladle.com/2013/01/16/blog-of-the-year-2012-and-more-a-heartfelt-thank-you/

    Have a great year!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Peri! I am very honored!!!

  185. alisitaliankitchen says:

    Oh you are just going to laugh at me! Until just recently, I had always thought you were married to Francesca who is in Italy and who has Flora’s Table! Oh too funny! I thought you had your business in St Emillion and her’s in Italy! I have to tell her this as she will just really laugh! We have been communicating quite a bit!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      That IS funny:) No, Francesca’s husband is Stefano:) I always thought they both lived in NYC though…

  186. Hello there, really like your blog and nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award, as always participation is an optional, please feel free to check

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! It means a lot!!

  187. d1nx says:

    I don’t have an award to hand out today, but I can say I LOVE your blog. Reading your thoughts after heart surgery, made me think of mine 6 months ago. WE ARE ALIVE and isn’t it wonderful? 🙂 Thanks for visiting my ‘place’ today and liking it. Happy 2013

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! It made me smile when I saw your xray. It reminded me of the first time I saw all the hooks they had left in my sternum:) As you said, we are alive and that’s all that matters:) Thanks for coming by!

  188. soulofspice says:

    Came to your blog thro Jeanette & so glad I got a chance to read your inspiring story….look forward to reading thro all your posts over time… Charu

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you Charu and welcome! I do love Jeanette’s blog as well:)

  189. Glad you liked my recipe. Hope you have a chance to try it. I am looking forward to enjoying all the wonderful foods in Paris this spring.

  190. Dear Stéphane, I am going to echo what others have already said. You have one of the most beautiful blogs. It is truly a virtual hard copy coffee table book. You have covered variety of subjects followed by beautiful professional quality photos. How lucky we/your audience are, to have a front seat view, to be amused by your world. Thank you very much! Fae.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Why Fae thank YOU so much for reading!! I must say that my conversations with my readers is even more important to me than the blog itself. I get to meet so many different people with similar interests and so many great ideas and opinions to share… So welcome Fae and I hope you continue to like what I post. If the quality goes down at some point, I count on you to let me know:) All the very best!!

  191. diy2emc says:

    Hello Stéphane! I’ve nominated your amazing blog for the Beautiful Blogger Award! Yes, I know a Handsome Blogger award would be more appropriate but nonetheless, thanks for all of the awesomeness you post and congrats! You can see the write up here -> http://diy2emc.com/2013/01/02/the-beautiful-blogger-award

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I am very honored!!

      1. diy2emc says:

        You’re very welcome! Thanks so much for the beautiful tips! 🙂

  192. Hello! I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award! It’s up to you whether you want to join in or not, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog! see my blog for details.

  193. Hello! I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award! It’s up to you whether you want to join in or not, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog! see my blog for details. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot! I am very honored:)

  194. cme5125 says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my Chocolate Peanut Butter Bowl! Your blog has a ton of great recipes and ideas. Definitely love the bacon flowers you made.


    1. My French Heaven says:


  195. Bon ami – I’ve just awarded you FOUR blogger awards. The full story here at http://thepalladiantraveler.com/2013/01/02/dont-shoot-the-messenger/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much!! I feel very honored:)

  196. radhika25 says:

    Dear Stephane,

    I have nominated your delicious blog for the Super Sweet Blogging Award!
    Please pick up your badge and information on how to pass the torch and pay it forward at:


    Happy New Year!


    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Radhika, I am very honored!!!

  197. Vinny Grette says:

    Hi Stéphane – I’ve taken the liberty of nominating you for the Blog of the Year Award, 2012, because it’s one I think my readers would enjoy! To check out where I promoted your site, go to http://cookupastory.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/help-im-drowning-in-too-much-sugar/. If you’d like to participate in this activity, you can learn how at http://thethoughtpalette.co.uk/our-awards/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/. Happy New Year and all the best for 2013!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much!! I feel very honored!!!

  198. Dear Stéphane, your story is truly inspiring as is your blog. We’re very much enjoying following it.
    Therefore we have nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”. Come and check it out: http://benandfrancoise.com/2012/12/31/very-inspiring-blogger-award/
    Happy New Year to you! 😉

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I am very honored!! I enjoy your blog very much as well!!

  199. I don’t like this – I love and adore it! Your blog is wonderful. Bravo!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I hope you come back often:)

  200. nancymn says:

    Stunning, stunning photos!!!!!!!! Great work here, Stéphane! I hope you can also visit my chocolate blog http://achocolatelife.wordpress.com/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you!! I knew “Notes for my next life” but not the “Chocolate Life”. I will check it out right away:)

  201. julieon says:

    I’m having a nice post Christmas Day catching up on the blogs I most enjoy. I love yours and the photography is wonderful. Julie

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Julie! I hope you had a good Christmas!

  202. Jeanette says:

    I’ve nominated you for the (richly deserved) Blog of the Year Award 2012!! Enjoy! http://globalgrazers.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/blog-of-the-year-award-2012/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Jeanette! I am very honored:)

      1. Jeanette says:

        It’s a pleasure and richly deserved. Your recipes alone are a revelation. I can’t help sharing:-)

        1. My French Heaven says:

          You’re the best:)

  203. Hi, Stéphane. Thrilled to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012 award. All details within my post: http://feedthepiglet.wordpress.com/2012/12/26/blog-of-the-year-2012-award-02-03/
    Happy New Year!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      THANKS SO MUCH JOHNNY!! I am very honored. Have a happy new year too!!

  204. Happy holidays, Stephane.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! You too!!

  205. What an amazing ‘About Me’, and what a great career and life you have had so far! I am so flattered that you stopped by my Blog, so thank you! After interior design, food is my second love, so I will definitely be stopping by your Blog more often. Merry Christmas!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I love your blog! You have such great taste. From the floral background to the great photos… I am a very visual person too. So I’m right there with you, except that food comes first and interior design second (close second:) Merry Christmas!!

  206. Francesca says:

    Hi Stephane.
    A little something for you before the end of 2012. Check my post http://florastable.com/2012/12/22/its-been-raining-awards/ if you are interested.
    Happy Holidays.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you again Francesca! I am very honored once again:) I need to set time aside so I can forward the awards. It is a wonderful thing, and I want to take the time I need to properly respond to them and forward them to the right blogs… I think I’ll do them all at once in the new year:) Thanks again!!!

  207. Clanmother says:

    I came over because of Jeanette but I think I will stay for a while. There is always an adventure waiting around the next corner. And I think that I just turned it when I met you…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are very kind! I am glad you’re here now! 🙂

      1. Clanmother says:

        You made me feel quite welcome. And I am delighted the Jeanette was a “winner.” Actually we are all winners…All the best of the season…

        1. My French Heaven says:

          To you too!

  208. Vinny Grette says:

    Did you change the kinds of foods you ate after your heart attack? Also, were there any women chefs who worked with you in the restaurant business?

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I didn’t change a thing. I loved food even more:) And yes there were women chefs. Not many but some…

  209. Candy says:

    I found your blog via the fantastic Chef Mimi and think I’m going to enjoy reading every page, looks wonderful, thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Candy! Welcome to my French heaven:)

  210. Steely Moue says:

    This is a most wonderful blog you have created here, Stéphane. As a blogging neophyte, I am in awe of what you are achieving – how do you find the time? I applaud the fact that you have a bi-lingual narrative going on, your wonderful use of photography and the fact that you so tastefully and unobtrusively manage to tie your blog in with your business. And your recipes look amazing – I am seriously intimidated! I look forward to reading more. Best Regards.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      What a nice comment! Since my B&B is only busy during the tourist season, I have more time in the Winter months. But now it is more a routine really. I take a lot of pictures and I always write down ideas as they come. I have a list of about 2 or 300 ideas for posts so I’m never out of ideas. Sometimes I just pick a picture and write a post about it… Blogging is also great therapy:) It is so wonderful to “meet” people such as yourself who are passionate about the sames subjects. The rule is: there is no rule. If you write about something you love, you are bound to attract people with similar interests… Anyhow, thanks for the comment and good luck with your blog. I will be following you:)

  211. radhika25 says:

    What an inspirational “About Me” page! I don’t think I can add anything to what a lot of people have said already, but I’m enjoying browsing your blog.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m glad you’ve joined my little “community”… I just love to share all these delicious things:) 🙂 I’m getting really really fat though:)

  212. caseylee18 says:

    Hi, I nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Check the post for more details! http://caseofthemunchies.wordpress.com/2012/12/17/sunshine-award/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Casey!! I am very honored! 🙂 🙂

  213. Hi, you have been nominated for the Leibster Award… all you need to know is here 

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you soooo much! Very nice of you! 🙂 🙂

  214. Chef Randall says:

    I have nominated you and your blog for the Sunshine Award. Please follow this link to except http://savorthefood.wordpress.com/2012/12/17/sunshine-blog-award/ .

    Chef Randall

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Randall! I am very honored!

      1. Chef Randall says:

        Your very welcome. 🙂

  215. manonlesko says:

    Your story is truly inspirational! I would love to learn more about you and your vision of life and food. And thanks for the like on my blog!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much!

  216. becky6259 says:

    After reading your interesting and inspirational story here, I am thinking you must have been in the mood to go slumming it a little when you read and liked my blog post about using a can of tomato soup and carton of sour cream to make a beef dish, lol! I have a feeling I may learn a lot about the finer points of cooking from your blog and look forward to seeing more of it! Thanks for the like of my post!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Hi Becky, I actually enjoy your blog very much. I loved the photo your friend Kay took of the Amish. It reminds me of a trip I took many moons ago to Wisconsin. I was then employed at The Ritz in Chicago. Beautiful memories:) I hope you come visit my blog again soon! All the very best:)

  217. Vordoo says:

    Oh and thank you for follow my blog 🙂 really appreciated a lot 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You’re welcome! I love your blog;)

  218. Love you photo!!!! You look so happy 😉

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! I’m always happy when I’m getting ready to eat:)

  219. caseylee18 says:

    Your blog is great! thanks for the follow, means a lot!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I love your blog as well!!!

  220. Vordoo says:

    Just finished reading what you wrote here. very inspiring, thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are very kind!

  221. Jim says:

    Spent the night in Lyon back in 1970, but I don’t recall seeing you there! Anyway, thanks for dropping by the Homestead.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are welcome. Thank you for dropping by:0)

  222. Stacy says:

    J’adore votre liste et je suis d’accord! Merci d’avoir visité mon blog. ❤

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci Stacy!

  223. lfrancois says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog site. I admire your philosophy and plan to adopt them also for myself.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot! I enjoy reading your blog as well:0)

  224. Moira says:

    I love your outlook on life, Stephane! I don’t have enough “traction” to compete in your game, but Saint Emilion is my favorite town in France (La Garde Freinet is second). My blog is on healthy foods and lifestyle, so check out some of my recipes to keep your heart ticking along nicely for decades to come!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Moira! I did check your blog and it is FABULOUS! I have a lot to learn from you:0)

  225. oversalted says:

    Hi Stéphane!

    I love what you have going on here, and I’m so pleased to find it today of all days because I was just gifted with Julia Child’s French cooking masterpiece, and I’ve got it on my nightstand as we speak. I’m totally into French cooking right now, and I’m so happy to have a blog to follow now. Any suggestions for a great French style salad to serve with Boeuf Bourguignon?

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Hi Sarah (or is it Francisco?). Thanks for your kind words and welcome to my French heaven!! I met Julia Child at The Ritz in San Francisco a few years before she passed. She was a great lady and her book is certainly a great read:0) Regarding Bourguignon, if you HAVE TO serve salad with it, the simpler the better. Just greens with a tiny bit of light vinaigrette. I would not serve salad with Bourguignon. Just rice, pasta or potatoes. People should be able to focus on your sauce and nothing else. In France, salad is served as an appetizer, with the cheese course or after the cheese is served right before dessert. We never serve salad with the main course (in a traditional dinner setting that is). But I guess that’s what’s great about food; you can serve whatever you want with whatever you want. The only rule is that you like it:0) That being said, I would not serve salad with Bourguignon:0)

  226. jenyjohn says:

    Hi Stephane.. thanks for visiting my blog and liking the post… you have a great blog here…. I would be following you…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot! I really enjoyed your blog as well and I am following it:0)

  227. lkallmeyer says:

    Thank you for the inspiration and thank you for visiting my blog! I really appreciate it because it led me to yours 🙂 I too have a degree in hospitality and tourism management.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m glad you came! What places have you worked out? In which capacity?

  228. lasesana says:

    Fantastic blog! Thank you for commenting on mine because it led me discover this wonderful treasury of delicious recipes and other fun stuff!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Lasesana! I really like your blog too!!!

  229. Chef Randall says:

    Thanks for viewing my blog. Look forward to future post’s from your blog. I invite you to sign to follow savorthefood.wordpress.com it’s Free.

    Thanks again for your time and consideration.

    Chef Randall

  230. conversebear says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog recently! I spent a lot of time enjoying yours this evening-I’ve always loved the idea of French food, but it’s always felt a little intimidating, but your blog and pictures have inspired me to try some of the recipes you’ve posted. Can’t wait to read your future posts!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are so kind! There’s really nothing to be intimidated about. French cooking can be very simple (as long as you like butter, cheese or olive oil:0). It’s also an acquired taste. The best thing you can do is try it in restaurants first and buy a few books. The courage and inspiration will come! Thanks for visiting and giving some of your precious time:0)

  231. Hello, Bonjour!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post “Sponge Toffee Chocolate Caps” ! Merci et bonne soiree! 😀

    1. My French Heaven says:


  232. intlxpatr says:

    This page, with your philosophy (and biography) is my very favorite page of your very good blog 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are very kind! I like your blog very much as well:0)

      1. intlxpatr says:

        Tonight at nine-ish, I have scheduled an entry commenting on My French Heaven and recommending it to my readers 🙂 should be about 0300 your time, LOL!

        1. My French Heaven says:

          Thanks again! I left a word under your post…

  233. Stéphane, you are an inspiration!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Well thank you Christina! I don’t know if I am but my little male ego is flattered:0)

  234. ohlidia says:

    Merci d’avoir visité… j’adore votre site. I so agree with your new “mantra” on life. I just might quote you on those!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Well thank you very much for your kind words! I am glad you found my little blog and I hope you’ll enjoy my posts:0)

  235. cookazido says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Yours is so beautiful. I look forward to seeing future posts.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you very much! Welcome!!

  236. Melyssa658 says:

    c’est un plaidoyer pour la vie et une expérience riche d’enseignement. Je partage tout à fait cet avis. Il faut bien vivre à tout prix car c’est la plus grande des richesses. Très beau blog que je découvre avec beaucoup de plaisir :). Encore merci d’être passé et bonne semaine.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Cela me fait très plaisir!! Bienvenue!!

  237. flynbrian48 says:

    Great writing, great photography, and great looking recipies. My high school French is long forgotten, thanks for the English! We share a little besides a WordPress blog, a history of open heart surgeries (two here, now a third looming for an aortic ascending anureysm), and a realization there is more to life than career.
    Keep up the great writing,

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Everything will be fine in the end! Have you seen that movie, the Most Exotic Marygold Hotel? In it, the main character says:”Everything will be fine in the end. If it’s not fine, it is not yet the end!” Keep preparing and eating good food with your family and friends. There is nothing more important!!

  238. Bonjour! This is such a wonderful manifesto-of-sorts! Thank you for checking out my blog — I look forward to reading yours daily! (un blog quotidien, perhaps? 🙂 )

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Hi and thanks for your kind words. I do post daily (usually). So welcome and looking forward to sharing:0)

  239. ohiocook says:

    Thank you stopping by my blog and the “Like” of my post.

  240. kdrizzleuk says:

    Thank you for the comment (and compliment) on my Thanksgiving blog!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are most welcome!

  241. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and the “Like” of my post!

  242. Francesca says:

    Hi Stephane. Today I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Check my post http://florastable.com/2012/12/01/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/ if interested.

    Have a wonderful w/e!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I know! I did see the post and left you a comment. Thanks again Francesca. I am VERY touched!!

  243. nita says:

    J’adore votre blog et merci infiniment d’avoir visité mon blog!!!

    I love your positive outlook and can’t wait to explore your blog!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you very much Nita!! I love your blog as well. That picture of the ribs had me drool all over the computer:0)

  244. ocelot81 says:

    Thank you for visiting my amateur blog compare to yours. I have no words to describe how glad I am to find you here.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Well thank you, but I must say you are being a bit hard on yourself. I absolutely love your blog! The pictures, the writing, everything about it and you spells honesty and soul. I’m not only following you, but you also are in my side bar!! I hope you come back often. I will visit your blog often!!

      1. ocelot81 says:

        Well , thank you again Stéphane for your kind words, likewise I’ll do the same following and putting a link of your awesome blog.

        1. My French Heaven says:


  245. Oops, don’t know if my last comment went through or not…
    Your blog is like a breath of fresh air! I spent a summer studying at Université Lyon 2 back in 1997 and have been dying to go back to France ever since. I, too, am a lawyer who has always had passion for food and culture, so I will definitely be back to read more! Please post more photos of France!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much for your kind comments! I studied in Lyon myself (in Ecully). Such a great city!!

  246. Bonjour, réconcilier la france avec le reste du monde avec de bonnes recettes, ça c’est une bonne idée ! D’ailleurs je pense qu’on devrait remplacer les ambassades par des blogs culinaires. Merci pour ce blog mis dans mes favoris.
    Bonne route !

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci infiniment Sébastien! Si seulement j’avais le salaire d’un ambassadeur:0)

      1. Le véritable talent n’est plus récompensé de nos jours 🙂

        1. My French Heaven says:


  247. Such a beautiful blog. And a wonderful food philosophy. It truly makes me smile.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad!! I hope you come visit often:0)

  248. nursefrugal says:

    Looking forward to reading your blog!!! Open heart sx is a big deal and I’m happy it gave you a new perspective on life!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much and a big welcome to you!!

  249. PK Read says:

    You run a wonderful and generous blog here – it’s a genuine pleasure to visit, and I’m honored when you visit mine. Thank you! Paula

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are too kind Paula! I think today I will post my favorite duck confit recipe… Have you entered the game yet? It’s still OK to enter…

  250. ohiocook says:

    Enjoyed your blog!! Thank you for stopping by mine and the “Like” of my post.

    1. My French Heaven says:


  251. Jeff says:

    Ashley at nutsoveroats thought I might enjoy your blog

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Well I hope you do…

  252. Laura says:

    I am following your blog based on the recommendation of Ashley @ nutsoveroats

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Very good. Welcome!

  253. Alex says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking a post! I am new to the food blogging world and was very impressed with your about me section and the honesty you went in to giving your background. It is very inspiring indeed and I look forward to reading more up on your blog.
    On another note, I had studied abroad in Paris during college and fell in love the the city and the food !

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you! And good luck with your blog. You are off to a GREAT start!! Please come back often:0)

  254. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for stopping by the blog and the “Like” of my post

  255. naturaleuphoria says:

    Hi there – I think your blog is awesome so I nominated you back for a Sunshine Award and Very Inspiring Award. Please claim your awards on this link: http://naturaleuphoria.com/2012/11/26/sunshine-award/ and

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot darling!

  256. smashedalice says:

    Hi there, thanks so much for liking one of my posts, I hope you’ll come back and visit me at smashedalice soon! Your ‘about’ section is really quite uplifting and I wholeheartedly agree with your new outlook on life!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you! I really enjoy your blog!!

  257. thank you for liking our blog. we will follow yours that is certain.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much! I really like the spirit of your blog! Love the horses by the barn! What a lovely place you’re in:0)

  258. Liz says:

    What a wonderful philosophy you have:-) Thanks for sharing your passion (and “takes on life”–those are awesome) with others. Appreciate you stopping by foodforfun’s turkey 2.0 so I could look you up.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so very much!!

  259. I am thrilled to have found your blog, it is truly lovely. You have a beautiful story and I can’t wait to read more. I spent some time in the South of France in 2004 and will go back someday as I absolutely fell in love. I look forward to discovering more about your B&B and the food that you cook, maybe even trying a recipe or two myself. Blessings to you.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks so much Danielle. Your comment means a lot to me. You should try one of the recipes. Most of them are really simple and will wow your family and friends:0) I am so glad you found my little blog in this ocean of blogs:0) I hope you come back often!!

  260. Brian says:

    Amazing photography and great looking recipes!!! I saw a bunch I’d love to try out!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! You should try the onion soup. It was fantastic!

      1. Brian says:

        I LOVE onion soup! I will definitely give that a go!

  261. Thankyou for visiting my new little blog! I look forward to reading about your recipes and food adventures 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:


  262. Dena says:

    After reading you bio, I see you’ve been in a ton of Ritz Carlton properties. Ever visit or work at the Amelia Island property in North Florida? That little island is my favorite in the world.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Absolutely! I stayed there years ago for a conference. It is a beautiful area. Do you live in Florida? I think Amelia is a great mix of Georgia and Florida in its spirit…

      1. Dena says:

        I lived in North Jacksonville and worked at Amelia Island Plantation for 4 years. It was like my 2nd home! It is a good mix of rural southern charm and island life. I am currently living in Oklahoma City and missing the palm trees and ocean pretty bad!

  263. Francesca says:

    Hi Stephane.

    Today we nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Check our post http://florastable.com/2012/11/23/the-sunshine-award/ if interested.

    Have a wonderful evening!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh my God darling!!!! Thank you so much! It is the first time someone nominates me for anything (besides employee of the year at the Ritz years ago:0) Thank you so so much!

  264. I’m gonna have a great time reading through your blog, the first impression stuck me here wanting to discover more….I love your country, been there several times on vacation and planning to be back even more….maybe next time in your area. Keep up the good work!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Well thanks a lot Gracie! I am so glad you like my little blog. I put all my love of food and France into it. Keep an eye open for the contest that I will post later on today. Thanks again. All the very best!

  265. cindy knoke says:

    What a wonderful about! Please take a look under my archives on the the subject ‘what happens when we die” about near death experiences. People who have shared your experience agree with everything you say! Looking forward to reading your blog!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words Cindy! I will go see your archives for sure. Thank you for following my blog. I am now following yours! All the very best.

  266. It’s true, good food here in the Uk has had a renaissance. Our local pub is really really good. My friends who live in the Cevennes were bemoaning the quality available in restaurants near them. Why do you think this is? Is it because France has been slow to move with the times? I miss Asian food the most not living in London anymore, I just have to make it myself! I did have some fabulous Vietnamese food in Paris once though. If I’m ever in Bordeaux I’ll be sure to look your place up!

  267. Coming from a family of francophiles I’d have to agree. Both my mother, stepfather, brother, sister-in-law and niece found the grass so green that they left the UK and settled in Burgundy! My brother gets to eat in a Michelin starred restaurant every week as part of his job – sigh, what a chore 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      i’m glad your family enjoys living in France and many of my British friends live here as well, but I must say that I for one think that the level of excellence in the culinary British culinary world has risen quite a bit in the past few decades. Some of my favorite restaurants are in London. As a matter of fact, France is way behind in terms of fine international food. For instance, it takes a lot of effort and quite a bit of money to find descent Chinese, Japanese or Indian restaurants in this damn country… So my friend, I agree that your brother & sister in law are lucky, but I wish I were visiting and eating in England more often:0) And don’t get me started on the British amazing countryside! Come visit me in Bordeaux. We’ll exchange recipes:0)

  268. Your blog is lovely and your philosophy about life is spot on!! I can totally relate about law school except I went for 4 years (part time, while I worked and was a single parent! So I had 4 miserable years, not just one). You seem to have definitely followed the right path 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks for the lovely comments! I don’t know about finding the right path, but we all have to survive and get better somehow:0) All the very best!

  269. Hi thanks for dropping in to my cow ‘n nature (and random cooking posts) blog. I guess me not recognising either Paul or Alans name outs me as a very part-time gastronomer! I am in total agreement with your life list, all of which I’m working on 🙂 I only quibble with the invincible bit…I think (because I’m a thinkingcowgirl) it’s enough to make the best of the life we have left.

    Regarding your latest cheese post…haha, only in France would you see such a cheddar being made a fuss of. We don’t appreciate it in the same way….!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you for the comments. Cheddar is really exotic for us, so I guess we do enjoy it more. Funny how life is. Is the grass always greener on the other side?

  270. What a great “about” page! I agree with your take on what’s important in life!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I will read your blog and follow it very carefully. I am sure we can share a lot of great recipes and ideas!

  271. pollyhogg says:

    Hello Stephane, thank you for your recent like on my blog and for introducing me to yours…I look forward to reading more…

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Great! It’s always such a pleasure to meet other bloggers with the same interests. I am following you, so I’ll keep reading your great posts as you write them. All the best!

  272. Hello Stephane. I am in love with your blog and the pictures of your amazing food. I’ve already sent your blog to friends so they can enjoy it too. Found you through Stacey (in Ireland). Can’t wait to see what you come up with next to tell us. Laura

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks for the kind words. I love this blogging thing. It opens my life to the world in ways I never expected it would. Getting to share with people such as yourself truly is a blessing! Come back tomorrow for my take on French Onion Soup:0)

  273. Becky J. says:

    Thank you for visiting carefreecomposition.com. It’s nice to meet you!

  274. Luffy Moogan says:

    A lovely blog, amazing food photography and a very refreshing outlook on life. All power to you Stephane. Live life and enjoy!

  275. komponglife says:

    Quel bel univers ! je vous retourne le compliment pour les photos, j’y reviendrais certainement, mais là, c’est le moment incontournable du marché où je m’empresse de “structurer” ma semaine culinaire, ma culture générale attendra !

  276. tayana2pense says:

    Merci pour la visite à la compagnie des lutins. Si un des lutins devient quelqu’un d’aussi passionné que vous, ça me ferait plaisir. Si une de vos recettes peut être faite par mes petits lutins, ce serait génial aussi. Vous avez l’air d’être quelqu’un de bien. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Merci! Je vais publier des recettes faciles et amusantes pour les petits dans les semaines qui viennent. Mes amis qui ont des enfants ne savent plus quoi leur faire à manger…

  277. What an interesting life you’ve had! My husband loves the wines of Bordeaux, although we haven’t visited the region. Soon. I have a Canon Rebel too 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Well then you guys need to come over. We’ll go for a photo (and food shopping) safari together. The Farmers’ Markets around here are ideal for that. Thanks for reading! All the very best!

  278. Stefano says:

    Thank you, Stéphane, for your kind words but… mind you, we could really take you up on your kind invitation the next time we go to Italy for a while (most likely next Summer)! We’d both LOVE to come visit you and spend a few days. We’ll be in touch about this next year and see if we can make it happen.
    Regarding your idea for the blog game, it is really interesting and given the beauty of your B&B I believe it will engage many bloggers! Let me just give it some thought regarding the technical aspects and then I will send you an email with whatever comes to mind.
    Thank you again and let’s keep in touch.
    So glad I found you and your blog! 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m glad I found you as well! I’m off to the international culinary book fair in Périgueux this morning. I am so excited. I hope to meet great bloggers and get tons of ideas… Let’s keep in touch and let me know if you have ideas to drive people to my little blog thing. I really want to do this full time. Now not only am I addicted to food and cooking, but also to blogging…

  279. Stefano says:

    First off, thank you very much for liking my restaurant review: much appreciated 🙂
    Secondly, wow: you have a wonderful bilingual blog with many mouthwatering recipes! Also, congratulations (as a photographer) on your food photography: it is very nice, appealing and well lit.
    And, last but not least, oh man! You studied under Paul Bocuse?!? I can only imagine what an unbelievable experience that must have been! To me it sounds like being a close disciple of Mahatma Gandhi! 🙂
    Finally, since my other passion is wine (a few months ago I passed my sommelier certification test): of all places, you are in St Emilion!!! Oh man, the jewel of the Rive Droite: I wish I could teleport me to your beautiful B&B and I were affluent enough to bring a bottle of Chateau Ausone to share with you over a recipe of yours while you tell me a few Bocuse stories (I am sure you will have a few!) I bet Francesca would love it too.
    Oh well, enough daydreaming 🙂
    Take care

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Dear Stefano, Thank you so much for these great comments! I love your blog as well and the description of it by your wife is really well done. It makes people want to meet you both and have dinner with you guys:0) My Grandmother was Italian, so even if I am not really good at cooking proper Italian food (I don’t even make my own pasta) I too know what’s real Italian food and what isn’t. I see you are a Sommelier. Boy would you have fun around here if you came to visit. I could take you guys to some of the greatest châteaux in the area. Just St Emilion alone counts about 900 of them:0) Regarding photography, I started a while back but only recently have I found the techniques that suit me best. I guess, as with food and wine, it is a question of trial and error. Anyhow, give my best to your lovely wife and make sure you guys come see me on your next trip home to Italy. I am thinking of starting a game on the blog so people bring me readers in exchange for a few nights stay at my B&B. I have a feeling you could easily win that one. I just don’t know how to put the rules together… Like how can I figure who actually brings me the readers or followers… If you have an idea… All the best! I’ll keep reading you!

      1. Dina says:

        Well … Francesca and Stefano just brought me to you now … 🙂
        It feels great to be here on your blog, Stephan and I look very much forward to visiting your beautiful chateau B&B sometime.
        Kind regards

  280. hungabusta says:

    Hi Stéphane!! Thank you very much for visiting my humble blog! The photos you take are wonderful!! You must also be a very talented photographer. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the brand and model of the camera used to take the photos? Thank you in advance. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Hi! Thanks for the compliment. I use a Canon Rebel.

  281. Teresa says:

    Stephane, you contacted me about wanting a link to my blog. My blog, “Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen” is at http://www.cantstayoutofthekitchen.com. This will take you to the home page and from there you can navigate to any of the posts I’ve done – mostly recipes. I have healthy and non-healthy recipes – but all taste wonderful.

  282. Amazing! You are living my dream. What an inspiration!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m glad you like this! You should come over some time and we’ll share the dream:0)

  283. Shakthi Abirami M M says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Such a wonderful insight into you. I haven’t written my bio page yet and this is truly inspiring.
    And I am glad you’re not a lawyer. The world needs more color, love and food! : )

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank you so much Shakthi. The world sure doesn’t need more lawyers:0)

  284. Kate Olsson says:

    Wow, what a honest, beautiful introduction to your blog. Thank you for sharing Stéphane. I love coming across other like-minded people with a passion for food, life and design – and it makes it especially exciting when they are thousands of miles away!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I know, I love this blogging thing. I am “meeting” so many cool people…

  285. I love your blog, love your take on life. Gorgeous photos! Thanks so much for visiting my site.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thank YOU. I’m always so happy when people like the blog and come visit. Please keep reading and posting. I really like your blog as well!

  286. alisitaliankitchen says:

    This is just such a beautiful chef’s story! I too like you want to create awesome tasting food but also healthy! (I was actually raised a vegetarian so I am still getting used to cooking red meat!) Thank you so much for an inspiring blog with such great ideas and healthy ones too! (I am no longer a vegetarian! LOL!)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I know! My Dad always says we were born with canines for a reason… Thanks for reading my blog. It means a lot to me!

  287. Salut Stéphane, merci pour visiter mon blog!
    I agree with your view on life, and am reminded every time a person I know doesn’t get to live to 100.

  288. PukakiBlue says:

    Hi Stephane thx for stopping by my blog! I feel flattered that a F&B/Hospitality professional likes it.. 🙂 Great blog and beautiful photography! Through your words and photos one can really feel your love for food and life..

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot! I really like your blog as well. I follow it every day:0) Enjoy your Sunday!

      1. PukakiBlue says:

        Hi Stephane,

        Wow how your blog/website has grown! (finding this old comment just put a smile on my face).. Your page was beautiful and inspiring then and now it’s so much more! Congratulations! 🙂

        I dropped off blogging (and a lot of other things) not long after this little conversation with you because I ran out of time. In the last 2 years I had 2 babies (younger one is just under 2months now) and moved to a new country. My life has changed so much and for the most part I love it, but I do miss the “old life”… I’ve never stopped loving food and cooking though, it’s become my “therapy” through all the 3am-wake-ups, tantrums and waiting-for-husband-to-come-back-from-business-trips. And to see the baby eat and be confident he’s getting the best and healthiest food available is priceless. Eventhough I’ve had no time to sit down and get writing. Until very recently, I started to be able to find a little bit of “me” time, often with a glass of wine.

        So I’m reading your pages again, feeling very overwhelmed (in a good way of course). I’m so happy for you! And thank you for keeping this going (and evolving), for me it’s like seeing an old friend! I hope one day we will make it to your B&B, go to your market and try your food, have a glass of wine with you and join your workshops. 🙂

        1. My French Heaven says:

          Oh my dear friend, it is so so good to hear from you! Congratulations on your new life and the kids. You know I’d much rather dedicate my life to children than a stupid blog. You got your priorities straight, that’s for sure. And yes, thank you, I think the blog is getting better. I guess everything takes time to develop and mature properly. So great to hear from you. I hope you come back often, even if you are a busy super mom 😉 😀

          1. PukakiBlue says:

            You are too kind Stephane 🙂

  289. Francesca says:

    J’adore Vostre blog.
    À bientôt.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Vous êtes adorable! Et ça tombe bien parce que j’adore le votre:0) Continuons à partager ensemble!!

  290. Jan Vrana says:

    I love your new take on life! You are truly an inspiration and I’m honored to have your blog in my sidebar to share with my visitors!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks Jan! You’re the best. Please keep reading…

  291. Compliment for Your blog and what to do , I’ m a relatives of Giulia&Enrico from Italy now your guest. I’ m interesting in your Cooking class, send me news about it
    Have a delicious day

    1. Stéphane says:

      Hi Marika.

      I am so glad I heard about you. Your family is delightful. I took them around the Vineyard this morning and I think they had a good time. I am dying to talk to you about blogging. I am new at this blogging thing. I would like to make make the blog a big success like yours. Perhaps you would be able to give me a few tips. I really like your blog by the way. Very informative! Let’s keep in touch!

  292. Toni says:

    I was introduced to your blog by a friend. Thank you for writing & sharing! I look forward to reading more.

    1. Stéphane says:

      Sorry I did not answer sooner. Thank you for your kind words and please thank your friend for me. I am trying to build readership but it is not easy:0) I am also busy with my B&B in the summer but I will try to post more in the future. Please keep coming back and tell your friends. All the very best.

  293. Christoph Hilscher says:


    Love your blog but there is mo way I can cook all these delicious recipes. Really looks like I have to visit you in France so you can cook for me or you come and visit here in Scottsdale…

    Happy New Year to you!


    1. Stéphane says:

      Thank you Christoph! All these recipes are super easy. Come over anytime. We’ll cook and eat and do all kind of fun things!

  294. Michelle says:

    Such a beautiful site. 2011 was the first year in many that I did not visit France, and so am glad to get a little taste of it here!

    1. Stéphane says:

      Thank you Michelle. I hope you’ll keep coming for more!

  295. Patty Latimer says:

    I am so proud of you this is beautiful. I will try to come often.

    1. Stéphane says:

      Thank you my darling. I really love writing it. I really want to make it a success!! Happy New Year to you and your many loved ones.

  296. Karen says:

    I have gone through you blog and it is lovely. Good luck and I will return.

    1. Stéphane says:

      Thank you so much Karen! It is brand new but will fill-up fast. Please tell your friends. All the best!

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