Warm potato salad with Scottish smoked salmon – Salade de pommes de terre au saumon d’Ecosse

(In English below)

Vous voulez simple, rapide et délicieux? Voilà simple, rapide et délicieux! :0)IMG_5726 _Snapseed

Recette pour 2:

  1. Faites bouillir 5 pommes de terre moyennes (patates rouges comme pour la raclette. Elle ne s’écraseront pas au moment de mélanger les ingredients)
  2. Pendant ce temps, dans un bol, mélangez 4 cuillères à soupe de crème fraiche avec 1/2 cuillère à café de tabasco, un peu de poivre noir, sel, 4 à 6 tranches de saumon fumé d’Ecosse, de l’aneth et de la ciboulette (gardez en un peu pour la décoration), 1/2 oignon rouge coupé en dés
  3. Sortez vos patates de l’eau et coupez les en dés
  4. Mélangez le tout et saupoudrez de graines de sésame noir

Servez quand les patates sont encore tièdes et le saumon glacé!

You want simple, fast and delicious? Here is simple, fast and delicious! :0)IMG_5720 _Snapseed

Recipe for 2:

  1. Boil 5 medium potatoes (red potatoes like the ones you’d use for raclette. the kind that won’t be crushed when you mix them with the rest of the ingredients)
  2. Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix 4 big tablespoons of heavy cream with 1/2 a teaspoon of Tabasco sauce, black pepper, salt, 4-6 slices of Scottish smoked salmon, dill and chives (save a few for garnish), 1/2 red onion (diced)
  3. When your potatoes are ready, dice them and add them to the cream mix
  4. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds, chives and dill. If you have trout or salmon eggs, you can add some of that too!!

Serve when potatoes are still warm and the salmon very cold! The two temperatures will make all the different flavors “explode” in your mouth.IMG_5838 _Snapseed

61 Comments Add yours

  1. annascuisine says:

    A meal in a bowl! It looks delicious. Saving it. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You are so welcome. I hope you try it and love it! 😉

      1. annascuisine says:

        I will. I’m sure I will love it. Have a great weekend. 🙂

  2. Je l’ai vue cette recette et là je suis en train de préparer cette salade.Un peu modifiée of courses avec aillet et un peu de citron, mais en gros quand-même. J’en suis sûre que c’est moins bon photographié chez moi….Merci pour l’inspiration!!!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Alors, comment c’était?

  3. you know what…?::)) i’m gonna have THIS for dinner….! i love it!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      How was it?

      1. GREAT! as always…! did not take any pic as it was already soooo late…i was adding basil leaves…and some olive…just perfect, thank you::)…and you? how was YOUR dinner…?

        1. My French Heaven says:

          Pretty simple last night. Just bread and good cheese… I have to start eating less… 😉

          1. one of my favourite dinners in the summer is: good cheese, white grapes (juicy and tasty…:::)…and a good glass of white wine…a Sauvignon for example..with a certain “body”..mmm…oh yes, let’s eat less…:)))

          2. My French Heaven says:


  4. michela64 says:

    Hi Stepane, I nominated in my blog as an ispiring bolgger as I love your blog and your beautiful photos, hope you are glad about it!
    It’s my first time in nomination and I don’t know if I did it right..http://passion4food4fashion.wordpress.com/2013/04/03/grazie-mille-a-many-thanks-to/

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh Michela, so are so nice!! I am very touched indeed!! 🙂 🙂

  5. So glad you used Scottish smoked salmon.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      That’s one of my favorites… 😉

  6. Deanna says:

    I can’t wait to try this! Looks so delicious and fresh!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      It really is! Let me know how you like it 🙂

      1. Deanna says:

        Heading to Paris next week! Any foodie suggestions?

        1. My French Heaven says:

          I never go to Paris, but I remember that there are great little restaurants in the Marais… Sorry I can’t be more helpful. Now if you came down to Bordeaux, that would be a different story altogether… 🙂

          1. Deanna says:

            Thanks! Now I need to plan another trip 🙂

  7. Faut que j’essaye !!!

    1. My French Heaven says:


  8. Minus the raw red onion, this looks delicious!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      My best friend doesn’t like raw onion either 😉

  9. ocelot81 says:

    Simple yet so delicious 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:


  10. chef mimi says:

    Absolutely beautiful!

  11. Farmgirl says:

    I’ll be adding this to my Easter menu! Sounds delicious!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I fell a little behind in my comments… Did you make it for Easter? How was it?

  12. Easy to make. Looks heavenly. Guess it tastes heavenly too.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      It really does 😉

  13. Steve says:

    How timely, I have all the ingredients on hand today, so will make it tonight. Unfortunately, only Canadian wild sockeye smoked salmon on hand (a little too lean for my taste).

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m a little behind in my comments… Did you make it? How was it?

  14. PotSoup says:

    Your posts never cease to leave me hungrier than before. Excellente!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Sorry 😉

  15. tarynnicole says:

    Tres delicieux! This looks gorgeoous, I can’t wait to make it. xx

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Let me know how you like it 😉

  16. Looks so refreshing, will try this with some local Hebridean smoked salmon – when the weather warms up! Thanks.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Let me know how it turns out! 😉

  17. Looks delicious! I love the touch of black sesame seeds. Very special!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Sesame seeds are an easy way to add color and depth I find 🙂

  18. A tempting dish for a meatless Good Friday. Bravo!

  19. Eliza B says:

    Salmon from l’Ecosse truly is the best. I didn’t know about it until I went to France and my famille d’acueille would eat it with blinis. Now, of course, I’m addicted. This looks wonderful, I love the different colors, flavors, and temperatures.

  20. ladyredspecs says:

    You’ve done it again Stephane, perfect food and photos! This will make a delightful a Good Friday lunch, perhaps with a little rocket on the side.

  21. This would be great for my daughter and me. Though it’s hard to get the really good smoked salmon you can get in Europe. There really is a difference.

  22. Gorgeous – potato salad season! I’m making one this weekend, can’t wait.

  23. soonie2 says:

    You got me hungry now!

  24. Darya says:

    Simple, délicieux et joli. Tout ce que j’aime

  25. Love it! Two of my favourite things. Must make some when my chives are fully grown again.

  26. looks so delicious! I will have to try!

  27. looks so delicious! I will have to try!

  28. Dominique says:

    C’est surement délicieux ! Je l’essaierai avec de la truite fumée produite localement. Le goût et la texture de la truite fumée sont différents mais tout à fait délicieux et j’aime utiliser des produits locaux.

  29. Sarah Thomas says:

    It’s been a long time since my last college French class, but I love puzzling out the recipe and then checking the English to see how close I come. Did pretty well this time! Will definitely make this–and enjoy with some sparkling wine (or Champagne!).

  30. Conor Bofin says:

    Lovely recipe. Far too cold for it here in Dublin though. It warmed up to 3 degrees today!

  31. Sarah Thomas says:

    It’s been a long time since that last college French class, but I love taking a few moments to puzzle out the recipe in French before checking how far off I am from the English. Did pretty well this time! Will definitely be making this.

  32. Oh my. This looks delicious!

  33. ary says:

    simple, rapide et delicieux, j’adore ! je retiens la recette pour plus tard

  34. chokadelika says:

    Humm… recette simple mais toujours efficace ! Merci pour le partage… J’ai faim !!

  35. This sounds amazingly good!!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      It really was Deborah. Try it someday and let me know what you think 🙂

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