Stephane’s recipes: Gougères au Comté – Delicious Cheese Puffs

Voici un de ces petits délices que j’adore mangé et n’avais jamais osé réaliser moi même. Je croyais vraiment que c’était plus difficile:

– Portez 250 Ml d’eau à ébullition dans une casserole avec 80g de beurre. Si vous prévoyez de servir vos gougères nature, ajoutez 1 petite cuillère à café de sel. Si vous prévoyez de les remplir comme moi de fromage, de saumon etc. n’ajoutez pas de sel à cette étape

– Hors du feu, ajoutez 150g de farine d’un seul coup. Mélangez vivement, et faites dessécher pendant 1 min sur feu doux. La pâte doit de décrocher de la casserole.

– Laissez tiédir et incorporez 4 oeufs un par un en mélangeant bien. Vous devrez obtenir une pâte lisse comme une purée épaisse. Ajoutez 150g de Comté râpé fin, une grosse pincée de muscade, sel et le poivre.

– Déposez cette pâte à l’aide de 2 cuillères à café, en petits tas séparés, sur une plaque couverte d’un papier sulfurisé. 

– Au four 20mn à 200°c (400°F) en gardant un oeil sur vos gougères. Au bout de 20mn, sortez en une et coupez la en deux. Elle doit être tendre et humide au centre un peu comme des oeufs brouillés. Cela sèchera un peu après quelques minutes. Remettez au four quelques minutes si nécessaire… Les miennes étaient parfaites à 20mn!

C’est léger comme un nuage!!!

Oh I am so excited to share this recipe with you!! Here is one of those little delights that I love to eat and had never dared to make myself. I really thought it would be much more difficult:

– Bring 250 Ml of water to a boil in a saucepan with 80g of butter. If you plan to serve your gougères “nature”, add 1 small teaspoon of salt. If you plan to fill them with cheese, salmon etc. Do not add salt at this stage

– Remove from the heat, add 150g of flour all at once. Mix quickly, and make it ​​dry for 1 minute over low heat. The dough must detach from the pot.

– Let the dough cool down a bit and add 4 eggs one at a time, mixing well. You will get a smooth paste looking and feeling like a thick potato purée. Add 150g finely grated Comté, a large pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper.

– Put small piles of the final mix on a baking sheet.

– Bake 20 minutes at 200 ° c (400 ° F) while keeping an eye on your gougères. After 20 minutes, remove one and cut it in half. It should be soft and moist in the center a bit like loose scrambled eggs. This will dry out a bit after a few minutes. Put back in the oven for a few minutes if necessary … Mine were perfect at 20 minutes!

It is light as a cloud!

39 Comments Add yours

  1. Ok so I’m sorry to say that my cheese puffs didn’t come out that well! I think my eggs were too big as the mixture was a bit runny….as I added the fourth one I kind of knew. Next time I will beat the eggs and add until it gets to the right consistency. Despite this they were delicious, though a bit flat 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Oh I’m so sorry!!! When laying the mix on the sheet, they should hold the shape.

  2. pvaustralien says:

    Yum, they are delicious and so light.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m so glad!! I absolutely love them. They are perfect to impress guests as well. People alway think that because they are so light and delicious, they must be hard to make… Perfect for pre dinner treats on Christmas eve!!!

  3. pvaustralien says:

    That’s dijon actually.

    1. My French Heaven says:


  4. pvaustralien says:

    They’re in the oven now :-). Have no salmon or trout. Maybe some ham and dujon mustard with them?

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Yes!! anything will work:0)

  5. Mmmmm… ca me plait beaucoup! Je devrais les faire.
    J’ai fait une recette similaire il y a quelques ans: les profiterolles.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks! I thought it would be much harder to make:0)

      1. Profiteroles are more difficult because you need to pipe them onto a baking sheet and then they need to blow up.

      2. I’ve made them twice already and will definitely make them again. I will also try them with filling.

        1. My French Heaven says:

          They are divine with salmon or foie gras!

          1. Foie gras… Oh la la! What preparation of foie gras, mousse?

          2. My French Heaven says:

            Mousse should not even enter your kitchen (or any kitchen) 🙂 No. Half cooked whole foie gras terrine. It’s the main specialty around here. I will post one of my recipes soon!

          3. Looking forward to that then 🙂

  6. Absolutely one of my favorite treats and beautifully done, too!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot. i really thought they would be harder to make…

  7. I’m definitely going to give these a go – a cheese puff is my idea of heaven…even if it’s an english one 🙂

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Tell me how it goes:0)

  8. As they say in the Languedoc, and excuse my spelling “que cal pati per veni viel y creba pla magre”, or “comment il faut soufrir pour venir vieux y mourir tres maire”. Ironic of course, have you ever seen a skinny french paysan. An ancient expression of appreciation. I will be trying these in Buenos Aires. Great post! Saludos.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      You do need to try! Let me know how it goes:0)

  9. I made gougers as part of our Thanksgiving dinner – love them!!!!

    1. My French Heaven says:


  10. Simply beautiful looking puffs! I love the one with the caviar. How decadent!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I’m not rich enough for caviar:0) These are trout eggs. They are delicious and cheap:0)

  11. Phil Franks says:

    These look fantastic, my idea of heaven!

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot! They were very good indeed. You should try the recipe. They will melt in your mouth:0)

  12. 3xlucky says:

    These look yummmmmmmmmy!!! I will definitely try them on the weekend and let you know how I get along. Your photography skills are really great, by the way;-)

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Thanks a lot!! These are really typical of traditional French cooking. I hope you like them:0)

  13. ary says:

    ca a l’air delicieux, surtout avec les oeufs de saumon. j’essaye ca un de ces jours…

    1. My French Heaven says:


  14. oatsgirl says:

    They look so intimidating, but you make it seem easy! Can’t wait to try

    1. My French Heaven says:

      I know they do. That’s why it took me so long to try to make them myself. But I promise you it’s super easy and really delicious. They are so light and tasty. + it’s the kind of stuff, because it looks so hard to make, that will blow people away:0) Seriously. You’ve got to try. Ask me if you have last minute questions.

      1. oatsgirl says:

        I tried these yesterday and I was shocked that it actually worked! Fantastic, thank you so much!!

        1. My French Heaven says:

          I know right? It seems so complicated and yet… Congratulations on being fearless:0)

  15. Juki says:

    Yum, breakfast with Gougères au Comté and smoked salmon coming up I think.

    1. My French Heaven says:

      Great idea!!

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