Craving seafood!

PR Director for one of the grandest resorts and golf courses in the South West of France called Château des Vigiers near Bergerac. He invited me to visit him so we could discuss the culinary tours I offer. He may want to introduce said tours as well as my Food and Lifestyle Photography classes to his guests…

A late celebration of Spring

It seems a little late to celebrate a season that will be over in a matter of days, but I found some photos of my first picnic of the year and thought I would share them with you.

It’s all in their eyes…

I will be adding a special page soon with some of my favorite photos from last year. The first page will show a few of the portraits I like the most. I know that you may have seen most of these pictures, but I thought I’d share anyway. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Beloved tree resurrected…

The only thing I really missed was a HUGE fig tree we had there. I spent most of my childhood playing around that tree. And, once a year, Paulette, my grandmother’s cook, would use its figs to make the most wonderful jam.

The light after the storm

It’s the golden light that penetrates my soul. It isn’t warm, it isn’t cold. I face it, eyes closed, feet apart, chin slightly up. It enters my body and makes it way to the core. Mixed with the essence of me it whispers: the battle is over. Everything is as it should be.  The storm has passed. Perfect…

Canola gold…

I was about to post around 4pm this afternoon (3.5 hours ago) about canola oil. But then I started to search the net for more information and kept on reading until now. The end result is TMI! Too much information. In addition, several readers added comments that really opened my eyes on the pros and…

Essential herbs – Herbes essentielles

Voici certaine des herbes que je cultive dans mon jardin. Elles sont toutes essentielles à ma cuisine! Here are some of the fresh herbs I keep in my garden. Each and every one of them is essential to French cooking except for basil, chamomile and mint! Be careful if you plant mint, sage or rosemary….

What is it about France?

Just by curiosity, what about France do you guys like the most? What is it that makes it a special place?

Looking for the proper recipe… – A la recherche de la vraie recette…

Je n’arriverai jamais à recréer les petits Souvlaki que les Grecques font si bien, mais mes petites brochettes d’agneau tiennent la route… Coupez un morceau d’épaule d’agneau en petits cubes et faites mariner pendant 24 heures dans un mélange d’huile d’olive, citron, origan, thym frais, paprika, sel et poivre. Faites griller très fort (l’extérieur doit…

Never, ever, ever… – Ne cuisinez jamais…

…dans une cuisine que vous ne connaissez pas. Si le succès du repas dépend de vous, soit ne faites que participer et évitez la cuisinière et le four, soit préparez ou recevez chez vous. J’ai failli rater mon entrée de Noël parce que la cuisinière à gaz de ma soeur chauffe moins fort qu’un mini…

The French Pantry (from the archives)

Here is a list of things we all should have in our kitchen at all times. This is if you want to cook proper French food of course… BUTTER!!! Garlic Olive oil Heavy whipping cream Bay leaves (if you are in the US, get some fresh ones shipped to you from New Orleans. That is…

A ghost in my kitchen – Un fantôme dans ma cuisine

Une des choses qui me plaisent le plus dans cette vieille maison, c’est que je ne suis jamais seul… J’ai mes fantômes. Les principaux sont ceux de ma grand-mère et de mon arrière-grand-mère (en photo ici). Elles sont toutes deux mortes de leur belle mort et veillent sur moi.  La maison est vieille et couverte…

Stephane’s recipes: Crème Caramel (from MFH archives)

Because we never really have the time (or the energy) to read beyond the front page of blogs, I will, from time to time, reblog some of the posts I like the most from My French Heaven archives. This kind of traditional French dessert takes only a few minutes to make. You cannot mess this…

Pêcher de gourmandise

It is really interesting to see how language can help define a culture. There are for example several words that exist in the French Language and do not have an equivalent in English and vice versa of course. Take for example the words “empowerment” or “Leadership”. They do not translate in French. The word power…